You can add money to your youth's account in two ways:
- In person at the MacLaren gatehouse.
- By mailing in a secure payment. We do not recommend mailing cash.
To help us make sure the money gets to your youth, please put their full legal name and their living unit on the envelope.
Please make checks out to Oregon Youth Authority, with your youth’s name on the memo line. We cannot accept checks made out to the youth.
Please note:
- Youth in the intake units (Maple and Noble) are not allowed to use the money in their accounts until they leave intake.
- The only people who may add money to a youth’s account are those who are on the youth’s approved visitor or phone call list.
- Youth outside of intake may use money in their accounts to buy items from our canteen or personal items through the mail. The items they may buy depend on their privilege level and whether they have approval from their unit’s case coordinator or living unit manager.