While your youth is with Oregon Youth Authority, we will make sure their needs are met. This includes medical care, dental care, and mental health care they need.
MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility has a medical clinic with nurses, dentists, a medical doctor, psychiatrists and psychologists.
Mental health services are provided on site. We also have contracts with health care providers in the community for services that are medically necessary that we cannot provide in our clinic. Our facilities only provides medical services that are medically necessary. Youth also receive regular health education information.
Psychology Services
All youth receive a psychological evaluation within 30 days of arriving at intake.
Psychiatry Services
These services are by referral only. However, if a youth arrives at intake with mental health medication, they will see a psychiatrist within two weeks of arriving.
Payment for Medical Services
OYA pays for all necessary medical services for all youth in our correctional facilities. Youth are not eligible to receive Oregon Health Plan benefits while they are in OYA facilities.
Learn more about paying for medical services
Private Health Insurance
If you already have private health insurance for your youth, you should keep it, and let the facility know about it. If your youth needs emergency or specialty care somewhere outside of our facilities, your insurance could help pay for this.
Our youth correctional facilities and transition facilities provide youth with regular healthy meals and recreation programs, including sports and other physical activities. We do not allow our youth to have food provided by their families.
Getting Medical Information About Your Youth
OYA health services follows
HIPAA privacy guidelines. We are not allowed to release medical information about youth in our custody without a signed release. More information is available on our
Medical Records page.
- Youth who are 14 and younger must have a release of information signed by their facility's superintendent or director.
- Youth who are 15 and older must sign a release of information form before we can share their medical information.
If your youth is in an OYA facility and you want updates about their medical care, please contact their case coordinator, living unit manager, or camp counselor. They can help you get the information you need.