If you have questions about our facility or your youth, your first point of contact is the case coordinator for your youth’s living unit.
Here are the phone numbers for the case coordinators:
Boulder: Bruce McRoberts, 971-301-0843
Crater: Pedro Perez, 503-980-6804
Dunes: Divine Jacobo, 503-931-7673
Fossil: Rudy Diaz-Ceja, 971-388-3513
Haystack: Cameron Clokey, 503-428-3760
Lake: Athena Street, 503-428-3387
Maple (intake unit): Ashley Lundy, 503-400-2479
Noble (intake unit): Kara Youngblutt, 503-980-6859
Oak: Arnulfo "Junior" Torres-Rivera, 503-400-1098
Pacific: Amanda Page, 503-881-2845
Summit: Debora VanCamp 503-302-6854