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Program Allocation Status

Allocation Cap

The amount of new groundwater use that can be approved under the Mitigation Program is currently limited to a total of 200 cubic feet per second (cfs), often referred to as the allocation cap. Once the allocation cap limit is met, no additional permits can be issued without the Water Resources Commission modifying its rules and adjusting the cap.

The CFS amount deducted from the 200 CFS cap is the amount of water (in CFS) allowed in the final orders approved by the Department. Final orders set a five-year deadline for the applicant to provide the required mitigation. Once they meet their mitigation obligation, the Department issues the groundwater permit. If the mitigation is not provided by the deadline, the final order expires and the CFS is added back into the cap.

All actions that would allow CFS to be added back into the cap are listed in 690-522-0030. The total allocated can go up and down depending on those actions.

Allocation Cap Status

The chart below describes the current allocation status within the Mitigation Program. “Allocated” means approved applications that reduces the available water remaining under the cap (permits and final orders). “Pending” means the amount of unallocated water not yet approved with a final order or permit. “Remaining” means the amount of water unallocated in the program not approved or in a pending application. If the cap is met while an application is pending, the application would be denied. Regardless of cap status, applications are reviewed according to all requirements and the outcome is uncertain.

The chart is updated monthly and is of June 1, 2024.

For more information contact:
Sarah Henderson 503-979-9872