To recover costs accrued in responding to public records requests, OWRD charges fees as directed by the Oregon Public Records Law and Oregon Department of Administrative Services policy.
Fees vary depending on the actual time required to research, collect, redact, and provide the requested records. Once a request is received, OWRD will review your request and provide an estimate of required fees.
There is no charge for the first thirty (30) minutes of staff time for each request. Charges are assessed for staff time past thirty (30) minutes for activities including researching, locating, compiling, redacting, or otherwise processing requested records.
Fees for staff time:
- $25 per hour for clerical level staff
- $40 per hour for managerial level staff
- $75 per hour for professional level staff
- DOJ or other legal fees are charges at the actual hourly rate set by statue ORS 192. 324 (4)(b).