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Public Records Request

Information about Public Records Requests

Please read through the information below before submitting a public records request.

A Public Records Request is for information related to the conduct of the public's business that is used or retained by a public body. This request is not for information that is that already available on the Oregon Water Resources Department website, published in a WRD document (such as pamphlets, booklets, or brochures), or on the State of Oregon's Transparency Website and Open Data Portal.  

All readily available documentation and existing records, that are not exempt from disclosure, are subject to release.

OWRD cannot create new records or manipulate records in response to public records requests.

You can make a public records request by either emailing your request to OWRD's shared inbox,, or by mailing your request.​

Your request should include the following:

  • Name
  • Organization you represent (if applicable)
  • Mailing address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Type(s) of records requested
  • File name or number
  • Subject matter
  • Approximate dates to search​

​To recover costs accrued in responding to public records requests, OWRD charges fees as directed by the Oregon Public Records Law and Oregon Department of Administrative Services policy.

Fees vary depending on the actual time required to research, collect, redact, and provide the requested records. Once a request is received, OWRD will review your request and provide an estimate of required fees.

There is no charge for the first thirty (30) minutes of staff time for each request.  Charges are assessed for staff time past thirty (30) minutes for activities including researching, locating, compiling, redacting, or otherwise processing requested records.

Fees for staff time:

  • $25 per hour for clerical level staff
  • $40 per hour for managerial level staff
  • $75 per hour for professional level staff
  • DOJ or other legal fees are charges at the actual hourly rate set by statue ORS 192. 324 (4)(b).

​Currently, OWRD only accepts checks for public records requests. All checks can be mailed to the following address:

Oregon Water Resources Department
ATTN: Jonathan Moyes
Public Records Request
725 Summer Street NE, Suite A
Salem, OR  97301

​The Oregon Public Records Law says an agency may waive fees for providing records if the fee reduction is in the public interest because making the records available primarily benefits the general public. OWRD will evaluate all fee waiver requests on a case-by-case basis.  Requesters are encouraged to provide additional information to help OWRD evaluate their fee waiver request.​

​OWRD only redacts requested information where the Oregon Public Records Law requires (see ORS 192.345 and 192.346). Common examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Attorney-client privileged information
  • Financial transfer records (e.g., account numbers, routing numbers, etc.)
  • Vital records (e.g., death certificates, etc.)
  • OLCC cannabis license addresses
  • Protected personal information (e.g., social security numbers, personal tax information, etc.)

​Depending on staff availability, the nature of the request, and the volume of records being requested all records will be filled as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay.

OWRD will contact the requester if it anticipates a delay in processing a request.

​OWRD has many records available already through our website!

Common records might be found:

Well Report Query 

Water Right Information Search (WRIS) *

Document Vault

List of all publicly available databases maintained by WRD

Publications and Reports

Public Comments

* These records are scanned on an as-needed basis and there might be additional records not yet scanned available through a PRR. 

Submit a Public Records Request

Email the shared OWRD Public Records Inbox, .  An OWRD staff member will contact you regarding further steps pertaining to your request.

Previously Submitted Public Records Requests

For more information contact:
Public Records Coordinator
Jonathan Moyes 971-375-5412

Other Resources:
Available Online: