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Oregon Nurse Practice Act

Each state regulates its own practice of nursing; therefore, the scope of nursing practice varies from state to state.  It is your legal and professional responsibility to understand your legal scope of practice.  Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for violating the practice act. 
The Oregon Nurse Practice Act is comprised of Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 678.010-678.445 (laws) and Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 851 (rules).  Any changes in the law are made by the Oregon Legislature.  These laws grant the OSBN authority to write administrative rules that further define the law.  These rules have the effect of law and help define safe and competent practice. 
Each rule division undergoes periodic review, and rulemaking occurs during in-person board meetings.  There is always an opportunity for public comment and input during the rulemaking process, in accordance with the Oregon Administrative Procedures Act.  Check upcoming board meeting agendas for topics of interest to you.

Upcoming Rule Hearings

Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 678.010 to 678.410

Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 851

  • 851-049-0000  Rule Summary, Statement of Purpose and Intent
  • 851-049-0005  Scope of Practice Standards for RN Participation in Protocol Development
  • 851-049-0010  Scope of Practice Standards for RN Protocol Utilization
  • 851-049-0015  Scope of Practice Standards for LPN Protocol Utilization
  • 851-049-0020  Scope of Practice Standards Related to Communicating a Re-authorization of a Client's Prescription
  • 851-049-0025  Standards Related to the Responsibility of the RN Dispensing

  • 851-051-0020 Oregon-based Educational Programs Requirements for Board Approval
  • 851-051-0030 Approval of a New Oregon Based APRN Educational Program
  • 851-051-0040 Continuing Accreditation Requirements and Board Notification Process for Oregon-based APRN Programs
  • 851-051-0050 Approval Periods, Reports, and Special Conditions 

  • 851-053-0005 Application for Initial Licensure to Practice as an APRN in Oregon including Those Licensed in Another State or Country
  • 851-053-0010  Prescriptive Privilege and Dispensing Authority for APRNs 
  • 851-053-0015 License Renewal
  • 851-053-0020 License Reactivation
  • 851-053-0025 License Reinstatement
  • 851-053-0030 Re-Entry into Practice 
  • 851-053-0035  Criteria for Board Recognition of National Certification Exams and Certifications

  • 851-055-0000 Purpose of Scope and Standards of Practice
  • 851-055-0010 Scope and Standards of Practice for All Licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
  • 851-055-0020 Scope of Practice for Licensed Nurse Practitioners (NP)
  • 851-055-0030 Scope and Standards of Practice for Licensed Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
  • 851-055-0040 Scope and Standards of Practice for Licensed Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • 851-055-0050 Expanding Scope of Practice within OSBN Issued APRN License
  • 851-055-0070 Standards for Prescriptive -Privilege
  • 851-055-0072 Conduct Derogatory to the Standards of Nursing of Prescriptive or Dispensing Privilege
  • 851-055-0076 Drug Delivery and Dispensing
  • 851-055-0078 Rules Relating to Controlled Substances
  • 851-055-0080 Office- Based Procedure Care Standards for Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • 851-055-0090 Special Provisions

Oregon Revised Statutes


Oregon Authorized Rules