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Recreational Trails Program

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is a federally funded grant program administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Since 1993, Oregon has funded over 500 projects with RTP funds to develop, improve, or expand motorized and non-motorized trails and their facilities.

Program Overview


Eligible applicants include local, state, federal, Tribal, and other governments. Non-profits registered with the Oregon Secretary of State for at least three years prior to application may also be eligible to apply.

Eligible projects include:

  • Construction of new trails
  • Major rehabilitation of existing trails
  • Development or improvement of trailhead or other support facilities
  • Acquisition of land or easements for the purpose of trail development
  • Safety and education projects

Eligible trail types include motorized (OHV, snowmobile), non-motorized (hiker, biker, equestrian), and water trails.

Refer to the RTP Policy Manual for more detailed eligibility requirements and other policies.


Oregon’s annual RTP allocation is approximately $1.6 million. At least 30% of funds are set aside for motorized trail projects.

The minimum grant request amount is $10,000.  There is a recommended grant request maximum of $150,000 for non-motorized proposals and no maximum for motorized proposals. Applicants must commit to at least 20% match. Match can include volunteer labor or other donations.

Grant Cycle Schedule

September 3, 2024: Grant cycle opens

September 11, 2024: Online RTP Grant cycle webinar, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM*

September 30, 2024: Letter of Intent due on

November 15, 2024: Grant applications due

March 4-5, 2025: The RTP Grant Advisory Committee meets to evaluate grant applications (Agenda and Zoom link)

April 2025: The OPRD Commission votes whether to approve the RTP Committee's funding recommendations at the Commission meeting.

*A recording of the 2024 webinar and copy of slides are available in the Workshops section below

Dates may be subject to change.

Grant Program Guidance and Forms

​The RTP Policy Manual includes program policies, eligibility requirements, information about the application process, current scoring criteria, and grant management policies.

2024 RTP Grant Manual

2024 RTP Grant Manual Updates

​OPRD holds an annual grant workshop or webinar. Content includes an overview of program policies and application requirements. Refer to the Grant Cycle schedule for dates and registration information for future workshops.

2024 RTP Grant Cycle Webinar Slides (PDF)

2024 RTP Grant Cycle Webinar Recording

​OPRD utilizes an online grants application system. The application can be accessed online when the grant cycle is open. Interested applicants must have an account on OPRD Grants to apply and can request an account at any time.

Applicants will either select a motorized or non-motorized application, depending on primary use of the trails or project area.
Online Application Instructions: refer to these instructions to navigate the application system on OPRD Grants

2024 Application Worksheet: A list of application questions that can be used to prepare your responses but cannot be submitted in place of the online application

Application Attachment Checklist: A list of required attachments and forms that must be submitted with your application

Application Forms:

Environmental and Cultural Resource Review Forms for Projects on Non-Federal Land

​Successful applicants of RTP are typically given two years to complete the project scope as approved. Refer to Section 5 of the current RTP Policy Manual  for comprehensive information about reporting requirements and state and federal laws that apply to the program. Quick Facts

Progress reports and reimbursement requests must be submitted on

Refer to the Online Grant Reimbursement and Reporting Instructions for detailed information.

OPRD Grants Online Instructional Videos:

Reporting Forms:

Grant Advisory Committee

​RTP projects are reviewed, scored, and recommended for funding by a ten member advisory committee. Funding recommendations are made to the OPRD Director for approval by the OPRD Commission. The committee may also advise on state-specific program policy and procedures.

Representation of members includes motorized and non-motorized trail use, accessibility, and federal land managers. Members are appointed by the OPRD Director and serve three year terms, up to two terms, except federal representatives who are appointed by their respective agencies.

Off Highway Vehicle Representative (1 of 2):
Thomas Moloney
1st term ends December 2026

Off Highway Vehicle Representative (2 of 2)
Tim Custer
2nd term ends December 2026

Snowmobile Representative:
TJ Reilly
1st Term ends December 2025

Hiking Representative:
Kathleen Walker
1st term ends December 2027

Biking Representative:
Michelle Emmons
2nd term ends December 2026

Equestrian Representative:
Kim McCarrel
2nd term ends December 2025

Water Trails Representative:
Mark Fitzsimons
1st Term ends December 2025

Accessibility Representative:
Debbie Timmins
1st term ends December 2026

U.S. Forest Service Representative (non-voting):
Zach Jarrett

Bureau of Land Management Representative (non-voting):
David Moore

Interested in joining the RTP Grant Advisory Committee?
Complete this interest form or contact the RTP Grant Coordinator

Grant Awards

​Refer to these lists for descriptions of recent projects funded by RTP








For a list of projects funded prior to 2017, refer to the national RTP database.