RTP projects are reviewed, scored, and recommended for funding by a ten member advisory committee. Funding recommendations are made to the OPRD Director for approval by the OPRD Commission. The committee may also advise on state-specific program policy and procedures.
Representation of members includes motorized and non-motorized trail use, accessibility, and federal land managers. Members are appointed by the OPRD Director and serve three year terms, up to two terms, except federal representatives who are appointed by their respective agencies.
Off Highway Vehicle Representative (1 of 2):
Thomas Moloney
1st term ends December 2026
Off Highway Vehicle Representative (2 of 2)
Tim Custer
2nd term ends December 2026
Snowmobile Representative:
TJ Reilly
1st Term ends December 2025
Hiking Representative:
Kathleen Walker
1st term ends December 2027
Biking Representative:
Michelle Emmons
2nd term ends December 2026
Equestrian Representative:
Kim McCarrel
2nd term ends December 2025
Water Trails Representative:
Mark Fitzsimons
1st Term ends December 2025
Accessibility Representative:
Debbie Timmins
1st term ends December 2026
U.S. Forest Service Representative (non-voting):
Zach Jarrett
Bureau of Land Management Representative (non-voting):
David Moore
Interested in joining the RTP Grant Advisory Committee?
Complete this interest form or contact the RTP Grant Coordinator