Downloadable document: Overpayment Codes
As part of our compliance process, OHCS has identified a number of payments made through the Landlord Compensation Fund application process that appear to be duplicative, ineligible for payment or appear to have been requested in error. Below are some of the most common reasons that OHCS has determined an overpayment exists.
Repayment Code #1 - A duplication of benefits is evident – This can include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
- The application(s) submitted includes multiple rounds covering the same applicant with months that overlap.
- There are multiple applications covering the same property for the same round and/or months.
- The same tenant and/or months appear on multiple applications at the same property or multiple times on the same application.
Repayment Code #2 - An ineligible payment was made – This can include, but is not limited, to any of the following:
- The application included utility costs which were statutorily not eligible for program relief.
- The Applicant was a family member of the tenant which was statutorily ineligible unless a Reasonable Accommodation was requested and approved.
- The owner applied for themselves
- The Applicant included tenants without a documented Declaration of Hardship form which was statutorily required.
- The application requested rent relief for months not covered by the program.
- A request was made for commercial property (only residential property was eligible for LCF).
Repayment Code #3 - Application Error - This can include, but is not limited, to any of the following:
- The information provided on the rent roll or the tenant ledger did not align with the funding request.
- Applicant made an error in the system and the request did not match the tenant amount owed
- Tenant moved out or was not in the unit during months requested in the application.
Repayment Code #4 - Other – This can include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
- OHCS has evidence of duplicate assistance received by the tenant from another rent assistance program covering the same time period.
- Applicant has self-reported an overpayment of some kind
This list is not all encompassing but will be inclusive of nearly all overpayment requests.