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Housing for Veterans

Veterans experiencing homelessness is an ongoing challenge in the United States. If you are a veteran experiencing homelessness, there are housing resources available to you. OHCS works with both federal and local agencies to provide housing and assistance for veterans in need.

You've earned housing assistance benefits through your service to our country. Learn how to apply for and manage your housing assistance benefits. 

How to apply?

Contact your local VA Medical Center​. to get help with applying for housing assistance. You also can call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans:

1-877-4AID-VET, or 1-877-424-3838. 

You can't apply to the program directly through your local housing authority. The VA must make the recommendation.​

About the program
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program combines several resources:
  • Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans
  • Case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Homeless veterans receive special consideration for housing under the joint program. The Department of HUD and the Veterans Administration Supportive Housing run the program. Known as HUD-VASH, this program offer rental assistance in the private market. These funds are specifically for homeless vets and their families.

Housing voucher eligibility

Eligibility for the housing voucher depends upon the VA. They determine eligibility for each veteran. The veteran also must meet the criteria of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Requirements include:
  • Lacking a regular nighttime address.
  • Living in a shelter situation. This may include: 
    • A government-run or charitable facility
    • Temporary housing like vouchered hotels.
    • Living in a place not designed for human habitation, such as a motor vehicle.
    • In imminent danger. Imminent danger means to be within two weeks of losing current housing. Evidence must include a court order or credible oral statements from the veteran.
    • Homeless veterans and their family must meet the low-income criteria for the area where they are staying.
​How it works

Regional housing authorities set aside a certain amount of housing vouchers for qualifying homeless vets. There usually is a waiting list for these vouchers. For example, Phoenix received 863 HUD-VASH vouchers in 2015. As of the time of publication, they closed their entire waiting list to new applicants. The entire state of Massachusetts received only 92 vouchers.


​Housing includes nursing homes, assisted living, and medical foster homes. If you need in-home care to help you r​emain at home, the VA may be able to help. Call the VA Health Care Benefits number at 1-877-222-8387. Or contact the VA medical center nearest you.​

Description: Veterans with certain service-connected or aging-related disabilities can get housing assistance. You may qualify for special housing grants from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).​
  • ​Apply for a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) or A Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) grant. You can use this grant to:
    • Build an adapted home
    • Install ramps
    • Widen doors
    • Make other modifications to live more independently.
  • If you qualify for an SAH or SHA grant but are living temporarily in a family member’s home, you may be able to get a Temporary Residence Adaptation (TRA) grant. It can pay for necessary changes to your relative’s home.
  • You may qualify for a Home Improvements and Structural Alterations (HISA) grant. You might be eligible whether your disability is service-connected or not. This grant provides medically necessary improvements and structural changes to your primary residence.


Description: Oregon is one of only five states that offers a veteran home loan program. This Oregon benefit is separate and distinct from the federal VA Home Loan Guaranty.  The program lent approximately $8 billion in low-interest home loans to more than 334,000 veterans since 1945.

The Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs (ODFA) home loan program offers eligible veterans fixed-rate financing for:
  • Owner-occupied, single-family residence
  • Up to the Fannie Mae limit - Purchase only (no refinancing is available) - Up to four home loan maximum life benefit


​If you have an existing VA home loan, you can apply for an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL)​ to save money with a better interest rate.​

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