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Affordable Housing Development (AHD) Program


The AHD Program supports long-term housing recovery in the eight counties affected by the wildfires and straight-line winds of 2020. Developed and overseen by Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), AHD provides funding directly to county governments or their alternates, such as public housing authorities or local governments, to design programs to develop affordable rental and homeownership opportunities, ensuring safe and stable housing for low- to moderate-income (LMI) households.

AHD can fund the following eligible projects:*

  • New construction and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing, including the development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
  • Development of homeownership opportunities through construction or rehabilitation of manufactured and stick-built homes.
  • Property acquisition and infrastructure improvements to support affordable housing projects.

*Actual projects will be based on county developed and selected programs.

This program plays a critical role in rebuilding communities by increasing the availability of safe, affordable housing in the most impacted and distressed (MID) areas.

How AHD helps renters

AHD helps expand the amount of affordable rental housing, making it easier for fire-impacted renters to find safe, stable homes in their communities. By funding new developments and rehabilitation projects, the program ensures more housing options for families struggling to secure affordable rental units.

Rental development that are supported by AHD prioritize low- to moderate-income renters, helping them rebuild their lives in areas affected by the 2020 disasters.

How AHD helps homebuyers

AHD increases the affordable housing stock for homeownership, expanding options for fire-impacted individuals and families who are looking to own for the first time. AHD funded homeownership projects will prioritize low- and moderate-income households, making it easier for homebuyers to afford the costs of homeownership and ensuring that they can permanently remain in their homes.

What to expect with AHD

AHD works by funding a county government or other designee in each impacted county, such as public housing authorities and local governments, to build or rehabilitate affordable housing. Each impacted county’s AHD program will be different, based on the remaining housing needs of each community. This means:

  • New affordable housing projects will be developed in disaster-affected counties.
  • Rental and homeownership opportunities will increase, providing more choices for residents.
  • Matching funds may be available to support planned projects.
  • Once projects are developed and homes become available, they will be advertised to low- and moderate-income renters and homebuyers impacted by the 2020 disasters.

AHD’s goal is to create sustainable, long-term housing solutions that help renters and homeowners recover. Every home created through AHD will be required to remain affordable for between five and thirty years, depending on how much AHD funding is used.

AHD can help as you take more responsibility for your rent

AHD works to increase the number of affordable homes, giving renters affected by the disasters more options that fit their budget. Many of these new housing developments may offer  affordable rents or income-based housing options to help families regain financial stability.

How AHD can benefit you

The AHD program will help renters and homeowners  find stable, long-term housing after the wildfires and straight-line winds of 2020. Whether looking for a new rental unit or an affordable path to homeownership, AHD-funded projects can:

  • Offer safe, affordable housing options in your community.
  • Help you move from temporary disaster relief programs to permanent housing.
  • Support economic recovery by creating more housing in affected areas.

AHD will ensure that disaster-impacted communities have the housing they need to rebuild and move forward.

Read the full policy manual to learn more.