OHCS is responsible for monitoring all contractors and subrecipients for compliance with the range of federal statutes and regulations that apply to HUD CDBG-DR funds. Subrecipients and contractors are responsible, in turn, for monitoring any of their respective contractors, subcontractors or subrecipients/sub-grantees. See also
Subrecipient resources,
Procurement, and
Federal Resources pages.
To be as transparent as possible, OHCS published the
Monitoring & Compliance manual (PDF) that establishes our process for conducting monitoring, which can take place both on an as-needed basis or during scheduled monitoring visits.
If you are a subrecipient or a contractor and don’t see the resource you are looking for or need additional Technical Assistance, please contact your Contract Administrator or email
See also:
Federal HUD Grant provisions Exhibit B (PDF)
Section 3 and Davis-Bacon
Carrying out construction activities requires compliance with several additional sets of rules, including Section 3 requirements for best efforts to hire low- and moderate-income individuals and Davis Bacon/Prevailing Wage pay practices.
Section 3 and Davis-Bacon Resources
US Department of Labor Davis-Bacon Guidance
Prevailing Wage Determinations