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Correctly and legally purchasing (or “procuring”) goods and services is a critical component of overall compliance with federal rules and regulations, per 2 CFR 200. OHCS and any subrecipient or contractor receiving funding under the ReOregon grant must follow the applicable federal procurement rules.

In order to assist contractors and subrecipients, and to maximize transparency, the State of Oregon's procurement policy can be found at OregonBuys. In addition, OHCS will report on this page active ReOregon procurements.

General OHCS ReOregon Contracts

Program Management Services RFP

Disaster Recovery System of Record RFP

Disaster Recovery System of Record Contract

Program Management Services Contract

Subrecipient Grant Agreements

HARP Outreach and Intake

Intermediate Housing Assistance

Interagency Agreement

Oregon Department of Human Services Agreement 

Open OHCS procurements



2 CFR 200

Single Audit: A non-federal entity that expends $750,000 or more during the entity's fiscal year in federal awards must have a single audit conducted in accordance with CFR 200 Subpart F Audit requirements.