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Project-based Section 8

The HUD Contract Administration Section (HCA) serves the state of Oregon as the Performance-Based Contract Administrator (PBCA) for project-based Section 8 housing. Each Section 8 project has a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract which provides the project-based subsidy.

If you are a resident with an unresolved health or safety issue, please call the hotline at 1-800-453-5511, option 4, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

HCA performs contract administration activities for approximately 260 contracts in HUD Section 8 properties in Oregon. We also provide technical support to owners, managing agents, site staff, and residents. In addition, we help provide information to persons seeking housing, who might already be living in Section 8 housing, or who may be experiencing housing problems.

For Section 8 projects with an active OHCS loan (coupled with the original HAP contract), the team performs asset management functions as a separate activity in coordination with the Asset Management section.

HUD properties monitored by OHCS

Resources for property owners

Health and safety resources are provided in a variety of languages.

Health and Safety HUD posters are here​.

Includes the following: ​
MAT User Guide​​​​
Calculating tenant rent​
Imputed income proration
Certification data entry

Utility Allowances (UA)

UA Policy, 2015​

​Frequently Asked Questions​
Budget-Based Rent Adjustment Documents

Reserve for Replacement Analysis 20 year

Reserve for Replacement Analysis 5 year

Certification of Tenant Comment Procedure​

Certification of Purchasing Practices 

Notice to Tenant of Proposed Rent Increase​ ​

The Special Claim process is an opportunity for owners to be reimbursed for financial loss when a tenant vacates a unit. Claims may be submitted to help cover the costs of vacancy loss, damages, and unpaid rent. Use the links above to access guidance to prepare a special claim for submission.

OHCS is now able to accept Special Claims with signatures by email. OHCS has set up a direct email address to send ALL Special Claims. From this email box your HAP Specialist will review your claim. However, because of the PII information in the Special Claim packets Social Security Numbers and Birth Dates of all household members MUST be redacted before submitting a Special Claim.

Below is the email address:

Contract Renewals and Rent Adjustments

Lindsey Jahn
HCA Compliance Officer

Valerie Duncan
HCA Compliance Officer

Housing Assistance Payments and Special Claims

Laura Schmidt
Rental Assistance Analyst

Anna Snegireff
HAP Specialist

Galina Bogushevich
HAP Specialist

Management & Occupancy Reviews (MOR)

Shamra Walder
HCA Compliance Officer

Casey Sparks
HCA Compliance Officer

Charles Stover
HCA Compliance Officer

Connie Babcock
HCA Compliance Officer

Darren Pitzer
HCA Compliance Officer

Ismael Vasquez
HCA Compliance Officer

Corinna Tanguy
HCA Compliance Officer

Tenant Concerns and MOR support

Carissa Wilson
HCA Compliance Specialist

Cindy McClain
HCA Compliance Specialist

Program Administration

Sara Carrillo
HCA Manager

Keri Smith
Quality Assurance Advisor

Eva Luna
Quality Assurance Advisor

If you are a resident with an unresolved health or safety issue, please call the hotline at 1-800-453-5511, option 4.

updated 12/4/2023