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Oregon Health Authority

Test Menu Details


Search TermsRapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Test; Syphilis Treponema pallidum (Syph-TP) Immunoassay; Treponema pallidum particle agglutination; TPPA; TP-PA
How to OrderOn the Virology/Immunology Test Request Form (OHA0042), in the “Syphilis” section, check the box for the test requested.

For details about the OSPHL syphilis testing process, please refer to the Syphilis Testing Algorithm (pdf).
AvailabilityAll clients
PerformedTP: Daily on regular business days
RPR: At least three times per week or more, depending on specimen volume
TP-PA: Fridays on regular business days
Time to ReportingWithin 7 working days after receipt of specimen
CPT CodeRPR: 86592; RPR Titer: 86593; TP: 86780; TP-PA: 86780

Specimen Collection Details

CollectionOne 7 ml red top tube or serum separator tube (SST).
If SST tubes are used, follow instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Optimal VolumeBlood: 5 ml; Serum 1.0 ml
Minimum VolumeBlood: 3 ml; Serum 0.5 ml
HandlingAfter blood clots, store specimens at refrigerated temperatures (2-8°C) pending transport. Do not freeze whole blood.
If possible remove the serum from the clot as soon as possible. Specimen must be tested within 5 days of collection.
If specimen cannot be tested within 5 days, remove serum from the clot and freeze the serum at -20°C. Specimen must be tested within 30 days.
TransportPackage specimens with fully frozen ice packs to maintain refrigerated temperatures during transport. Transport for receipt at the OSPHL within 4 calendar days of specimen collection.

If serum is frozen, ship with dry ice to maintain frozen temperatures during transport.
Rejection CriteriaThe following specimens are unacceptable for testing: CSF, lipemic, grossly hemolytic, or frozen and thawed more than once. Refrigerated specimens that are unable to be tested within 7 calendar days of specimen collection. Frozen serum unable to be tested within 30 days.

Specimens are subject to the requirements of the OSPHL Specimen Submission Policy (pdf).
CommentsOriginal material submitted for testing is retained for 7 calendar days after receipt at the laboratory.

To understand the OSPHL syphilis testing process, please refer to the Syphilis Testing Algorithm (pdf).

Method Details

MethodologyChemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) with reflex to charcoal agglutination or particle agglutination, if indicated
Detailed information about assay performance can be obtained by contacting the manufacturer of the testing platform.

Change Log

2/19/2025Updated How to Order
5/23/2023Reviewed, no changes
3/30/2022Changes to the following sections to discontinue syphilis FTA test and replace with TP-PA test: Search Terms; Performed; CPT code; Handling; Transport; Methodology; Performance Specifications