How To Collect a Soil Sample:
Collecting soil is simple - all you need is a plastic zip-close bag and a spoon. Watch this 2.5 minute video and review the steps below to learn how to take a soil sample: How to collect a soil sample - YouTube.
Start at least 3-5 days before the event, depending on how wet your soil is. Samples will need to be completely dry for screening, so budget enough time for soil to dry before bagging it.
Step 1: Identify an area of interest for your soil sample.
Step 2: Collect Soil - For a large area, collect soil from 5-10 random spots in that area, and combine in a clean container.
For a small area, collect soil from 3 random spots and combine in a clean container. (See table below for sampling depth per spot.)
Step 3: Make note of where the soil was collected from and the depth of the sample.
Step 4: Mix soil well in clean container.
Step 5: Remove pebbles, rocks, and roots, and air dry. Samples must be completely dry before they can be screened. Do not use a flame, oven or hairdryer to dry the soil!
Step 6: Transfer at least 2 cups of the mixed soil into a clean one-quart Ziplock bag.
Step 7: It will help our health educators give you the best advice if you are able to provide the following information about the area your soil sample(s) were taken from: Age of nearest structure (fence, house, shed, etc.), Last time the structure was painted, if lead paint was used, if any treated wood products were used.
You may print out our fillable log-in sheet and complete this information prior to the event. OHA will also have log-in sheets to fill out at the event.
Note: For more than one sample, repeat steps 1-5. Rinse your container between samples. Limit of 3 sample bags/person