Certification for Testers and Specialists
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The Department issues certification cards for Testers and Specialists on a 2-year certification cycle. Certifications expire on December 31st every two years based upon the first letter in the last name of the individual. Individuals with a last name beginning with A-K expire in even numbered years, and individuals with last names beginning with L-Z expire in odd numbered years.
New applicants will receive cards that expire less than 2 years from the issue date, depending on when they apply. The $195.00 fee is prorated to $97.50 for the last 12 months, or less, of the certification cycle.
If any of your contact information changes it is your responsibility to contact the Program with these changes. Failure to notify the Program of an address change will result in delayed renewal and in some cases lapsed certifications.
Backflow Assembly Tester
The following requirements must be met in order to qualify for Backflow Assembly Tester certification:
- Successful completion of an approved Backflow Assembly Tester course (5 days) within 12 months of submitting a certification application.
- Check out the list of approved backflow tester courses
- A Construction Contractors Board license (CCB) or Landscape Contractors Board license (LCB) may be required if you provide backflow assembly testing for a fee.
- The employee or company may have these licenses.
- A CCB or LCB license is required in order to be on the state's Public List of Backflow Testers.
- Certifications expire on December 31st every two years based upon the first letter in the last name of the individual.
- A-K expire in even numbered years (2016, 2018, 2020...)
- L-Z expire in odd numbered years (2017, 2019, 2021...)
- When you submit your completed and signed application for certification include the following:
- A copy of your high school diploma (a transcript is acceptable), GED, Associate degree, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, or PhD.
- Initial application fee of $195.00 (prorated to $97.50 for the last 12 months, or less, of the certification cycle).
- See payment options below
Tester Certification Requirements
Tester Certification Application
Cross Connection Specialist
The following requirements must be met to qualify for Cross Connection Specialist certification:
- Successful completion of an approved Cross Connection Specialist course (4 day) within 12 months of submitting a certification application.
- Certifications expire on December 31st every two years based upon the first letter in the last name of the individual.
- A-K expire in even numbered years (2016, 2018, 2020, 2022...)
- L-Z expire in odd numbered years (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023...)
- When you submit your completed and signed application for certification include the following:
- A copy of your high school diploma (a transcript is acceptable), GED, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, or PhD.
- Proof of one year in the water industry. This could be one year as a Backflow Assembly Tester, a copy of your operator certification, or a letter from your employer.
- Initial application fee of $195.00 (prorated to $97.50 for the last 12 months of the certification cycle)
- See payment options below
Specialist Certification Requirements
Specialist Certification Application