Oregon Alliance Working for Antibiotic Resistance Education (AWARE) is dedicated to reducing the problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Oregon. Health care professionals have an essential role in this initiative.
Research shows that adverse health outcomes are rare when providers prescribe antibiotics conservatively.
Research also shows that patient satisfaction increases in direct proportion to the health care provider’s commitment to educating patients about self-care and symptom management for conditions where antibiotics are unnecessary. Evidence shows that patient satisfaction does not increase by fulfilling a patient’s or parent’s expectation of receiving an antibiotic prescription when requested.
The following are resources for health care professionals to support the judicious use of antibiotics.
Antibiotic Use Guidelines and Report
Communicating with Patients
Exam room poster (jpeg)
This easily modifiable template can demonstrate to patients your commitment to preserving antibiotics and only using them when necessary. Please get in touch with Oregon.AWARE@dhsoha.state.or.us for access to a fillable template and/or Spanish versions.
Treatment Algorithms
University of Washington Center for Stewardship in Medicine (UW CSiM) Antibiotic Guide
UW CSiM has created this Antibiotic Guide to provide prescribers with a tool to guide prescribing based on local resistance data and expert opinion. Specific antibiotic recommendations are based upon bacterial resistance patterns seen in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Antibiotics listed should be compared to local bacterial resistance trends found in your antibiogram to determine applicability.
CDC Outpatient Clinical Care for Adults
CDC Outpatient Clinical Care for Pediatric Populations
Continuing Education (CE) Opportunities
CDC's Antibiotic Stewardship Training Series
This interactive web-based training contains four 13 modules which can be taken individually and are tailored to a variety of practice settings. sections designed to help clinicians optimize antibiotic use, combat antibiotic resistance, and improve health care quality and patient safety.
Antimicrobial Stewardship: Optimization of Antibiotic Practices
This free 5-hour self-paced CME course will offer a practical approach to prescribing antibiotic therapy and development of antimicrobial stewardship to physicians and pharmacists across all specialties and settings.
Technical Assistance
Oregon.aware@dhsoha.state.or.us to ask about scheduling a seminar. We can present lectures for providers, health professional or public health students, or community stakeholders on antibiotic stewardship.
External Resources