Collecting Data in Oregon
The ScreenWise Genetics program uses multiple data sources and surveys to gather information about family history, healthcare provider practices, genomics, genetics, and chronic disease. By collecting and analyzing population-based data, our program can monitor health trends and use the data for program improvement and evaluation.
Oregon Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is the largest continuously conducted telephone health survey in the world.
BRFSS Results by year and topic
- 2010 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of colorectal cancer,health care provider practices, patient behavior, genetic counseling and testing, genetic discrimination
- 2009 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of breast and ovarian cancer, health care provider practices, patient behavior, genetic counseling and testing, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- 2008 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of colorectal cancer, health care provider practices, patient behavior, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- 2007 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of cardiovascular disease, health care provider practices, patient behavior, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- 2006 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of diabetes, health care provider practices, patient behavior, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing
- 2005 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of diabetes, health care provider practices, and patient behavior
- 2004 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of diabetes
- 2003 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of diabetes
- 2002 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of diabetes
- 2001 BRFSS Results (pdf): family history of diabetes
Healthcare Provider Survey
In August of 2010, the OGP conducted the Healthcare Provider Survey (pdf), a quantitative statewide survey of Oregon healthcare providers to assess their use of family history in clinical practice, as well as their knowledge, attitudes, and use of clinical genetic services and genetic testing related to breast, ovarian and colorectal cancers.
Oregon General Knowledge Survey
The Oregon General Knowledge Survey (pdf) is a telephone health survey about health knowledge and beliefs.
2007 General Knowledge Survey Results: Topics include
- understanding of genetics and family history
- collection of family history information
- sources of where people find genetics and family history information
- genetics topics people want to learn more about
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
Oregon PRAMS collects data on maternal attitudes and experiences prior to, during, and immediately after pregnancy for a representative sample of Oregon women. PRAMS allows the Oregon Genetics Program to monitor whether health care providers talked to pregnant mothers about tests that screen for birth defects and about folic acid consumption and awareness.
Genomics and Family History Survey Questions
The University of Washington Center for Genomics and Public Health (UWCGPH) created a comprehensive collection of genomics and family history survey questions from select state and federal population-based surveys from 1999-2006. This compilation includes the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and the HealthStyles survey. (HealthStyles is an annual mail survey of the U.S. population aged 18 and older that examines health-related attitudes and behaviors).
Surveillance Publications
BRFSS Posters
Genomics Data Summaries
For other publications, visit our Publications web page.
Oregon Genetics Services Data