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This page highlights some of the many educational talks and publications created by Oregon Genetics Program staff and key program partners. If you are interested in having our program provide an educational session on genetics, genomics, or family history, please contact us.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles


  • Cancer Genomics Surveillance:Are Oregonians Receiving Appropriate Cancer Genomics Testing? - The Oregon Public Health Genetics Program is conducting a statewide surveillance program to monitor the knowledge, attitudes, the use of cancer-specific evidence-based genomic tests and family history in Oregon. These activies target Oegon's 2.9 million adults and Oregon health care providers working in a number of different clinical settings, including urban, rural, safety net, and private insurance setting. This presentation focuses on the use of two specific groups of genetic tests for populations at high risk for cancer: BRCA 1&2 testing for breast and ovarian cancer and mismatch repair gene mutation testing for colorectal cancer.

  • Oregon Cancer Genomics Surveillance Project - CDC Reverse Site Visit - This presentation is a summary of completed and future work for the CDC Genomics Translation Program in Education, Surveillance, and Policy at Oregon Public Health on May 11-12, 2010. It includes the project goal and objectives, methods and activities, current and future impacts, and ideas for further funding.

  • OPCC talk: Oregon Cancer Genomics Surveillance Program - This talk was presented at the initial meeting of the Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control's new strategic planning for next five in December 2009. It presented an overview of how the Genetics Program can contribute to this strategic plan.

  • GAPPNet talk: Oregon Cancer Genomics Surveillance Program - This talk was presented by the Genetics Program at the Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention Network (GAPPNet) meeting in October 2009. It summarizes the first year's progress on the program's CDC Cancer Genomic Grant.

  • Family History of Colorectal Cancer: A Predictor of Clinicians' Preventive Recommendations and Patient Behavior - This talk, presented at the 4th National Conference on Genomics and Public Health, highlights results of the 2009 BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System) on Family history of colorectal cancer.

  • Family History Collection & Use in Oregon Federally Qualified Health Centers - This project included: analyses of family history forms from all 26 FQHCs in Oregon, interviews with FQHC providers, and a clinical template for collecting family history information. Talk presented to the OHSU Family Medicine Research and Scholarship Conference, Sept 2008.

  • Accomplishments & Outcomes:Genomics Successes in Oregon - A presentation given at CDC Genomics meeting in Michigan in 2008. This talk, in the form of Genomics Jeopardy, highlights the Oregon Genetics Program's successes, tools, and outcomes.

  • Oregon Academic Practice Partnership - This presentation reviews the partnerships between the Oregon Public Health Genetics Program and academic institutions between 2003 and 2008.

  • Using a GIS: Access to Genetic Services in Oregon - An analysis of clinical genetic services data and cancer registry data with the goal of exploring access to genetic services in Oregon. Presented at the Oregon Genetics Program Advisory Committee Meeting in 2007.

  • Obesity, Nutrition, Nutrigenomics – OH MY! - This talk was presented at the Oregon Department of Human Services on September 7, 2007. Featured topics included the genetics of obesity, the effects of nutrition and the environment, and an introduction to nutrigenomics.

  • Familial Cancer Risk Assessment: Breast and Ovarian Cancer - Presentation for healthcare providers made possible through sponsorship from March of Dimes. Reviews hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, genetic counseling and testing for hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer, screening for breast/ovarian cancer in a primary care setting, and when and how to refer patients for genetic services.

  • Familial Cancer Risk Assessment: Colorectal Cancer - Presentation for healthcare providers that reviews hereditary colon cancer and when and how to refer patients for genetic services.

  • What's New in Prenatal Genetic Screening - Talk for healthcare providers reviews preconception/prenatal genetic risk assessment, maternal serum screening and ultrasound, and how, when and where to refer patients for genetic services.

  • Ethnicity-Based Genetic Carrier Screening - Talk reviews basic principles of cystic fibrosis and other ethnicity-based genetic carrier screening, current guidelines, and ethical issues in carrier screening.

  • What's New in Maternal Serum Screening - Presentation discusses multiple methods of maternal serum screening including first trimester screening. How, when, and where OB and family physicians can refer patients for prenatal genetic services is also reviewed.

  • Keys to Collecting and Using Family History - Talk for public health professionals reviews how to record a family history and the utility of this tool in disease prevention public health practice.

  • Family History and Diabetes - Presentation for public health professionals reviews the role family history plays in the development of diabetes.

  • Western Regional Epidemiology Network 2004 Annual Meeting - "Think Genomically . . . Act Locally". Seminar reviews the concept of public health genomics, provides examples of how genomics affects our communities, and proposes strategies to prepare today’s public health programs for tomorrow’s genomics tools.


Newsletters and Articles

  • Genes or Lifestyle? - An article published February 2010 in the Bend Bulletin on the interaction between genes, environment, and obesity.

  • Addition of Cystic Fibrosis to Oregon Newborn Screening - CD-Summary article created by Oregon Public Health Laboratory staff which discusses the addition of Cystic Fibrosis to the Oregon Newborn Screening panel as of November 1, 2006.

  • All in the Family - A resource (CD-Summary) for providers that reviews how to use family history to identify and prevent disease in high-risk populations. Published in July 2006.

  • Perceived Risk for Developing Diabetes Among High-Risk Oregonians: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You - CD-Summary article published in April 2006 by Oregon Diabetes program partners, which discusses Oregon BRFSS results that note many Oregonians at increased risk for diabetes, including those with family history as a risk factor, don’t feel they are at risk. Article encourages providers to be aware of factors, such as family history that impact their patients’ risk of developing diabetes.


  • Health Insurance Coverage of Cancer Genetic Services in Oregon (November 2011) - The Oregon Genetics Program contracted with the Portland State University Survey Research Lab to conduct a survey of health insurers on their coverage of genetic testing, counseling, screening and treatment for breast, ovarian, and colorectal cancer. A total of seven health insurance companies and six self-insurers were included in the study.

  • Family History in Clinical Practice (March 2006) - Qualitative assessment that provided the Oregon Genetics Program as well as the CDC National Office of Public Health Genomics with practical information about how primary care providers at Kaiser Permanente Northwest use family history information in their current practice.

  • Oregon Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis: Report and Recommendations (May 2005) - The Oregon Newborn Screening Task Force was convened in late 2004 to review all information and recommend to the Department of Human Services whether CF screening should be adopted for Oregon newborns.