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Oregon State Hospital’s response to COVID-19

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Updated: Monday, January 24, 2022

At Oregon State Hospital, protecting the health and safety of our patients and staff is our top priority. We are taking comprehensive and necessary steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the hospital.

Since March 2020, there have been a total of 108 patient cases of COVID-19. The numbers include patients who test positive for the virus when they arrive at OSH.Four hundred and thirty three staff members have also reported testing positive during this time.

If you have recently had a friend or family member admitted to OSH, see the “Admissions Unit FAQ for Families" for information about daily life during their admissions quarantine period. If a patient has tested positive for, shows symptoms of, or is believed to have been exposed to COVID-19, they will be moved to a temporary unit where they will receive additional medical care and supervision. See the “Quarantine Unit FAQ for Families" for more information about daily life on this unit.

COVID-19 Vaccination at OSH

Oregon State Hospital is offering the COVID-19 vaccine to all OSH staff and patients who want it. So far, more than 75 percent of staff and 80 percent of patients are vaccinated.

OSH response to the pandemic

As the vaccination rates increase and the positivity rates decrease across the state, Oregon State Hospital continues to revise its restrictions for patients, staff and visitors. The following restrictions are still in effect:

  • Expanded phone visitation hours so patients may better keep in touch with loved ones;

  • Created protective units for patients at highest risk due to age and/or medical conditions;

  • Designated a quarantine unit for patients who have respiratory symptoms and who may test positive for COVID-19;

  • Opened three admission and monitoring units, which means OSH is able to admit 13-30 patients each week, provided there are no positive COVID-19 cases and the current discharge rate remains the same;

  • Established an admissions process that begins with medical screening, followed by a quarantine period, COVID-19 testing, and additional screening before patients transition to other units within the hospital.

In addition, we are:

  • Regularly consulting with state epidemiologists on measures to protect patients and staff, as well as increase supplies of personal protective equipment and medical supplies;

  • Screening all patients twice a day for symptoms of COVID-19 – such as fever or cough – and administering tests if these symptoms are present;

  • Ensuring all personnel entering the facility wear surgical masks when in patient-care areas and in areas where patients could access;

  • Conducting contact tracing for anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19;

  • Sending people home to self-monitor, as necessary;

  • Offering virtual visitations so patients can connect with their loved ones remotely;

  • Screening everyone who enters the hospital for symptoms of COVID-19, including patients and staff.

We're doing our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by acting on state and federal guidance to limit exposure through social distancing measures. We appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging time.

Friends and family with questions or concerns should contact OSH Ombuds and Family Services (OFS) at You can also call them at 503-947-8109 in Salem and 541-465-2785 in Junction City.

For the latest information on the state's response to COVID-19, please refer to the Oregon Health Authority website.