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Oregon Health Authority

Peer Support Specialist (PSS)

A Peer Support Specialist (PSS) An individual providing services to another individual who shares a similar life experience with the peer support specialist (addiction to addiction, mental health condition to mental health condition, family member of an individual with a mental health condition to family member of an individual with a mental health condition). A peer support specialist shall be: (a) A self-identified individual currently or formerly receiving addictions or mental health services; (b) A self-identified individual in recovery from an addiction disorder who meets the abstinence requirements for recovering staff in alcohol or other drug treatment programs; (c) A self-identified individual in recovery from problem gambling. There are four categories of Peer Support Specialists: 
  • Family Support: an individual who meets qualification criteria adopted under ORS 414.665 and may be either a peer support specialist or a peer wellness specialist who, based on similar life experiences, provides support services to and has experience parenting a child who:(a) Is a current or former consumer of mental health or addiction treatment; or (b) Is facing or has faced difficulties in accessing education, health, and wellness services due to mental health or behavioral health barriers.
  • Youth Support: means an individual who meets qualification criteria adopted under ORS 414.665 and may be either a peer support specialist or a peer wellness specialist and who, based on a similar life experience, provides supportive services to an individual who: (a) Is not older than 30 years old, and (b) Is a current or former consumer of mental health or addiction treatment; or (c) Is facing or has faced difficulties in accessing education, health, and wellness services due to mental health or behavioral health barriers.
  • Adult Addictions: A person in addiction recovery who provides support services to people seeking recovery from addiction.
  • Adult Mental Health: A person with lived experience of mental health who provides support services to other people with similar experiences

PSS Certification Requirements

There are three ways that individuals can become an OHA-certified Peer Support Specialist:


The Legacy Clause is an exemption that allows people who have been active in the field and who have lived experience, to apply to be state-certified as a THW (each worker-type has its own specific requirements). Individuals seeking THW certification and registry enrollment as a Legacy Clause for a Peer Support Specialist must provide:

A minimum of one letter of recommendation from any previous employer for whom PSS services were provided within that last five years. The letter must be on professional letterhead, must have author's signature and contact information and must also state that the applicant has "lived exerience.
Verifiable evidence of working or volunteering in the capacity of a peer support specialist for at least 3000 hours between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2025. "Verifiable evidence" means a pay statement, services contract, student practicum, volunteer time log, or other documentation reflecting hours worked or volunteered.


Individuals who hold an active PSS certification from the state of Washington or Idaho, and are in good standing with their certifying body, may be granted reciprocity or receive equivalent credit for previously completed training. Complete and submit reciprocity form to:

PSS Recertification Requirements 

Every three years, all PSS's must complete the required CEUs to renew their PSS certificate. 

  • At least 20 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) during every three-year renewal period for PSS - Adult Addictions and PSS - Adult Mental Health, only. 
    • At least three of the 20 hours must be from suicide risk assessment, treatment, and management appropriate to the PSS scope of work. 
  • At least 40 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) during every three-year renewal period for PSS-Family Support Specialist as well as for PSS-Youth Specialist, only. The use of lived experience and ethical practice must be a topic included within the 40 hours.

A list of Suicide Prevention Trainings (PDF) 

Additional Suicide Prevention Trainings/CEU's 

Raices de Bienestar Suicide Prevention for the Latinx Community Training CEU's 

Competency Test 

If your PSS certification has lapsed more than 6 months, you have the option of taking a Competency Test. You must submit proof of successful completion of the competency test along with the required CEUs. 
PSS-Adult Addictions and PSS-Adult Mental Health - Administered by FolkTime: Sign up form for PSS Competency Exam
PSS-Youth Support Specialist - Administered by Youth Era: Youth Support Specialist Competency Skills Test 

PSS-Family Support Specialist - Administered by Oregon Family Support Network: Family Support Specialist Competency Skills Test 


  • Apply for the Traditional Health Worker (THW) certification via the portal at
  • *Regarding recertification, for renewal purposes, we require applicants to apply within 60-90 days prior to their expiration date.
Once you are certified with the Oregon Health Authority, we will add you to our state registry. The registry is a reliable, trusted source for finding a traditional health worker in Oregon.

Do you have a Civil Rights Complaint or concern regarding THW-CHW services?