Training Materials
The following training protocols were developed in response to legislation that passed and was codified in ORS 433.800 through 433.830. The purpose of these statutes are to provide a means to allow certain individuals when a licensed health care professional is not immediately available to administer lifesaving treatment.
Trainers may utilize the training material below and copy as needed.
NOTE: Please reference the administrative rule links which identifies who is eligible to provide training.
On this page:
Adrenal Crisis
Training Video
Adrenal Insufficiency Training for Health Care Professionals
Allergic Reaction
The OHA Treatment of Severe Allergic Reaction training protocol is intended for lay persons wanting the knowledge to be able to recognize when someone is suffering from anaphylaxis and to administer epinephrine via an autoinjector that they are authorized to carry. They must attend a classroom based course, taught by a registered nurse, paramedic, nurse practitioner or physician. Upon completion of this course, participants will be issued a Statement of Completion card, signed by the instructor. If the participants want to obtain an epinephrine autoinjector from a pharmacy, they need to have the back of the Statement of Completion card, which is the prescription, signed by a nurse practitioner or physician. Pharmacists are instructed to look for these yellow cards and only these cards when filling the prescriptions. Please note, persons trained in this course attempting to obtain epinephrine from the pharmacy are responsible for all costs associated with the medication. (
Many online or first aid courses teach people how to assist someone in administering their own, prescribed epinephrine when they have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis. These trainings are NOT equivalent to the training required by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 333-055-0000 to 333-055-0035).
If people are looking for someone to teach this particular course (all teaching materials are available online at the link provided), we suggest they contact their local public health authority, clinic or hospital. Depending on available resources, these entities may provide the course. One organization offering this course is:
EMT Associates.
NOTE: Given the current shortage of EpiPen®s, the FDA has extended the expiration date for specific lots of EpiPen®s. Please select the following link for additional information:
FDA - Drug Shortages
Opioid Overdose
The following training protocol related to opioid overdose was developed in response to the
2013 Oregon Law, Chapter 340. This legislation codified under ORS 689.681 was subsequently amended repealing training requirements on lifesaving treatments for opiate overdose and the requirement that the Authority adopt administrative rules establishing protocols and criteria for such training. OARs 333-055-0100 through 0115 were repealed in December 2020. Opioid overdose requiring lifesaving treatment occurs in a wide variety of settings and circumstances, however mandating training is unnecessary and may reduce access to naloxone. Individuals in Oregon can receive training from pharmacists who are required to provide counseling and directions for use, and from other programs such as local public health programs, social service agencies or first responders.
This training protocol created by the Oregon Health Authority, and related materials, are provided to help educate individuals on administering naloxone. These materials are for reference only and not required to be utilized under this statute.
Training Videos
Multnomah County Sheriff's Office naloxone training
Injectable Naloxone training video (Multnomah County Health Dept.)
Nasal Naloxone training video (Multnomah County Health Dept.)
Using Adapt Nasal Narcan to Reverse Opioid Overdose (Multnomah County Health Dept.)
Using the Evzio Auto Injector to Reverse Opioid Overdose (Multnomah County Health Dept.)
Stop the Bleed Training
The 'Stop the Bleed' campaign was initiated by a federal interagency workgroup convened by the National Security Council Staff, The White House. The purpose of the campaign is to build national resilience by better preparing the public to save lives by raising awareness of basic actions to stop life threatening bleeding following everyday emergencies and man-made and natural disasters. Advances made by military medicine and research in hemorrhage control during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have informed the work of this initiative which exemplifies translation of knowledge back to the homeland to the benefit of the general public.
Oregon Health Authority has partnered with Oregon Trauma Hospitals, EMS agencies and other groups who are continuing to support Stop the Bleed training in Oregon.
Resources for Oregon
National Resources