Everyone visiting, working at and doing business on state of Oregon properties should be able to breathe clean, smoke-free air and enjoy outdoor environments free of tobacco litter.
In 2013, Gov. John Kitzhaber launched the Tobacco-free State Properties Initiative, including the tobacco-free state properties policy that prohibits use of all tobacco products at all times on state of Oregon property.
This policy improves the health and wellness of all Oregonians by significantly reducing people's exposure to tobacco and secondhand smoke. We appreciate your help in making this policy change a success.
Toolkit for State Agencies

To help all state agencies make a smooth transition to being tobacco-free at their sites around the state, the Oregon Health Authority's Public Health Division created a toolkit that agencies can use to communicate the policy change to clients, employees, partners, volunteers, vendors and visitors.
The toolkit contains communication materials, sample letters, a sample policy and a sample implementation plan, as well as a fact sheet and frequently asked questions. Many of these items are customizable for your agency or program; simply fill in the appropriate information in the fields provided, save them or print them off.
Communication Materials

Fact Sheets and FAQs
Fillable Templates (Microsoft Word format)
Documents can be provided upon request in an alternate format for individuals with disabilities or in a language other than English for people with limited English skills. To request one of these publications in another format or language, contact the Publications and Design Section at 503-378-3486, 711 for TTY, or email dhs-oha.publicationrequest@dhsoha.state.or.us.
State Employees Support Tobacco-free Worksites
From a survey of Oregon state agency employees in 2007:
- 92% of Oregon state agency employees think it is important for the state of Oregon to establish tobacco-free buildings and grounds.
- 68% of Oregon state agency employees who smoke think it is important for the state of Oregon to establish tobacco-free buildings and grounds.
- Oregon state agency employees who smoke are twice as likely to miss work three or more days per month due to poor physical or emotional health than Oregon state agency employees who do not smoke.
For questions, please contact:
Technical assistance: luci.longoria@dhsoha.state.or.us