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Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Psilocybin Services - Psilocybin Training Program Information


The Oregon Psilocybin Services Act (ORS 475A) established that the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) will adopt minimum standards of education and training requirements for psilocybin service facilitators. On January 1, 2024 OHA adopted additional rules that clarify requirements related to licensure by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC). For the most current rules, please read: Administrative Rules 333-333.

All psilocybin training programs interested in offering training to students who plan to apply for facilitator licenses in Oregon will need to apply for curriculum approval through OPS and apply for a license (or request a determination that a license is not required) from the HECC. 

If you are considering becoming a student of a psilocybin training program, please go to the OPS Student Information page. 

List of Training Programs with Approved Curriculum

To file a complaint about a training program curriculum, please go to the OPS File a Complaint page.

Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) Requirements

Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) does not license psilocybin training programs. Under ORS 475A, OPS regulation of psilocybin training programs is limited to Oregon Administrative Rules relating to review, approval, denial, or revocation of psilocybin training program curriculum. Under Oregon law, Psilocybin training programs are required to be licensed by HECC or demonstrate that licensure is not required. HECC makes determinations on exemption from licensure for training programs. 

Psilocybin training programs who receive OPS curriculum approval, must submit a signed HECC Verification Form to OPS within 180 calendar days of receiving OPS curriculum approval. This form is signed by both the training program representative and a HECC representative and communicates to OPS that the training program has obtained HECC licensure or exemption
Psilocybin training programs are required to maintain their HECC license including renewing the HECC license on an annual basis. Failure to provide the required documentation may result in revocation of OPS curriculum approval. OPS may also revoke curriculum approval if HECC denies a psilocybin training program's license application. After a psilocybin training program has received a license or a determination from HECC that approval is not required, the psilocybin training program must maintain that status to ensure that their OPS curriculum approval is not affected.

A private career school who has a physical presence in the State of Oregon as provided by OAR 715-045-0006(13) must not engage in any form of marketing, advertising, instruction, recruitment, or any other activity regulated under ORS Chapter 345 and OAR chapter 715, division 45, until the school obtains licensure or exemption, or has verified with the HECC they are not required to obtain private career school licensure.

For more information, please go to the OPS HECC Information page.

Letters sent to Training Programs about HECC requirements:

OPS Letter to Training Programs sent on 3.1.2024
OPS Letter to Training Programs sent on 4.1.2024
OPS Letter to Training Programs sent on 5.1 2024

Apply for Training Program Curriculum Approval Online

The Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) – Training program, Licensing, and Compliance (TLC) system is an online platform where training programs can complete and submit the psilocybin training program curriculum application, a curriculum worksheet, and upload a copy of their detailed training program curriculum.

Ready to Apply? Click Here.

Apply for Training Program Curriculum Approval by Mail

If you are unable to complete the application online using the TLC platform and would like OPS to mail a paper application to you, please contact the OPS Licensing Program at 971-673-0304 or email

Additional Forms:

  Required curriculum worksheet

  Change in facilitator training program curriculum worksheet

Everyone has a right to know about and use Oregon Health Authority (OHA) programs and services. OHA provides free help. If you need these written materials in other languages, braille, large print, or other formats, please contact us by calling (971)341-1713 or by emailing:

Request to Withdraw an Application

Applicants may request to withdraw their application at any time while OPS is reviewing the submitted application. Please note that application fees are non-refundable. Please also note that if the submitted application is subject to denial, OPS may reject the withdrawal request and instead issue a notice of proposed denial of the application. 

To request a withdrawal, please use this form:

Application Withdrawal Request

Surrender Requests

OAR 333-333-4280 allows training programs to request to surrender their curriculum approval. Training programs must comply with all applicable rules while their curriculum approval remains in effect and must cease enrolling students for Oregon psilocybin facilitator training when the surrender is accepted. Training programs that are permanently closing should use this form to request surrender of training program curriculum approval.

Curriculum Approval Surrender Request Form

Updating Practicum and Program information, Affiliated Individuals, and Curriculum

The Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) Licensing Team must be notified of changes to psilocybin training program contact information and individuals affiliated with the training program such as instructors and lead educators as well as any material changes to the psilocybin training program curriculum. These updates can be made by psilocybin training programs through the Training Program, Licensing, and Compliance (TLC) System. Please review the links below for specific guidance on how to submit psilocybin training program updates through TLC. Please note: Changes must be reviewed and approved by OPS which may take several weeks.

OPS Psilocybin Training Program Practicum Update Form 

How to Update Training Program Information, Affiliated Individuals and Curriculum

How to Generate and Print the Training Program Curriculum Application Approval Summary 

For any questions about updating training program information, please reach out to the licensing team by email at:

Continuing Facilitator Education Requirements

For renewal applications received on or after January 1, 2026, facilitator licensees must have completed four hours of continuing facilitator education during their annual license period. To meet this requirement, facilitators must complete the continuing education hours before their renewal date. Continuing facilitator education must consist of skills and knowledge that are relevant to the core curriculum described in OAR 333-333-3050 and OAR 333-333-3060

OPS will consider continuing education hours to be valid if they meet the requirement in Oregon Administrative Rule 333-333-3300 and the education was offered by:

  • Training programs with curricula approved by the Authority.
  • Organizations or conferences that have been approved to offer continuing education for other types of professional licenses or certification.

As part of their renewal application, licensed facilitators will need to be able to provide documentation that describes the education received, who provided the training, and number of hours completed. This can be achieved by submitting a certificate of completion or other documentation that provides proof of registration and attendance.

Requests to Cease Enrollment or Instruction

OAR 333-333-3010 requires training programs with approved curriculum to provide notice to OPS when the program ceases enrolling students or ceases providing instruction to enrolled students. Complete this form to fulfill this requirement: 

  Notice of Ceased Enrollment or Instruction  

Questions? Contact:
