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Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Psilocybin Services - Service Center License

Service Center License Information

The Oregon Health Authority began accepting applications for Psilocybin Service Center licenses on January 2, 2023. 

Learn More About a Service Center License:

Apply Online

The Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) – Training program, Licensing, and Compliance (TLC) system is an online platform where applicants can apply for training program curriculum approval, psilocybin licenses, and worker permits, as well as enter product tracking requirements under ORS 475A and OAR 333-333. The TLC system is also a communications platform for messaging the OPS Licensing and Compliance teams.

Only applicants and licensees can access the TLC system. Please refer to the OPS TLC Login Guidance to guide you through creating a TLC account, logging into the system and troubleshooting TLC issues.

Ready to Apply? Click Here.

Having trouble with TLC? Click Here.

Additional Forms:

Apply By Mail

If you are unable to complete the application online using the TLC platform and would like OPS to mail a paper application to you, please contact the OPS Licensing Program at 971-673-0304 or email

Additional Forms:

Renew a Service Center License

All psilocybin license types have a one-year term, beginning on the date the license was first issued.

To ensure license continuity, you must submit a complete renewal application at least 60 days before your license expires. See OAR 333-333-4250.

  • Renewal applications that are complete, submitted according to requirements, and submitted at least 60 days before the license expires will be considered timely under OPS rules. Licensees who submit timely applications may continue to operate on an expired license if OPS is unable to process the renewal application prior to the license expiration date. Incomplete renewal applications will not be considered timely unless they are made complete at least 60 days before the license expires. 
  • Renewal applications that are submitted less than 60 days before the license expires will be considered untimely under OPS rules. Licensees who submit untimely applications are prohibited from continuing to operate on an expired license if OPS is unable to process the renewal application prior to the license expiration date. Licensees are prohibited from exercising license privileges on the date their license expires if OPS is unable to process their renewal application before the expiration date and the renewal application is untimely.
We encourage licensees to begin the renewal process as soon as the renewal window in TLC opens. The renewal window in TLC opens 120 days prior to your license expiration date.

2025 Information for Licensees

All OPS licensees are required to complete the Required 303 Applicant and Licensee REAL & SOGI Data form by March 1, 2025. Below are additional instructions for accessing and completing the form:

Change Requests

Licensees are required to use the forms below for change requests. These forms must be submitted to the OPS Licensing team through the Training program, Licensing and Compliance (TLC) system. Please attach the necessary form and any other required documents to a TLC message and send to the OPS Licensing team. For questions, please email: 

Change of Name
To request a change of name, including a change to a service center's operational name, legal entity name, or to update a legal name change of an individual licensee, service centers must submit a completed Change of Name Form.

Change of Licensee
Service centers may use this form to remove individual and legal entity licensees from their approved business structure or add applicants to the licensed business. To request a change of licensee, service centers must submit a completed Change of Licensee Form and all required documents.

Change of Location
To request a change of location of a licensed premises, service centers must submit a completed Change of Location Request and all required documents.

Modification of Licensed Premises
To request a modification of a licensed premises, service centers must submit a completed Modification of Licensed Premises request and all required documents.

For any change requests not covered by these forms, please message the licensing team in TLC messenger with your request.

How to Function as a Practicum Site for Out-of-State Training Programs

Any service center licensed under ORS 475A can function as a practicum site for training programs authorized to provide psilocybin training by another state within the United States of America or U.S. Territories or the freely associated states of the Republic of Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia where provision of psilocybin services is allowed under state or territory law. OAR 333-333-3070 requires services centers to notify OPS of any out of state training programs that use their licensed premises as a practicum site. Service centers acting as practicum sites for out-of-state training programs use this form to notify OPS:

License Surrender Requests

Please use the form below for license surrender requests. This form must be submitted to the OPS Licensing team through the Training program, Licensing and Compliance (TLC) system. Please attach the form to a TLC message. For questions, please email:

Local Government and LUCS Information

Learn more about local government considerations:

Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS):

Background Check Information

Learn more about background checks:

Social Equity Plan Information

Learn more about social equity plans:

Learn more about the required annual social equity evaluation reports: 

School Proximity Information

ORS 475A.305(2)(e) and OAR 333-333-4130(4) prohibit Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) from issuing a license to a service center located within 1,000 feet of a school. For purposes of measuring the 1,000 feet distance between a service center and a school “within 1,000 feet" means a straight-line measurement in a radius extending for 1,000 feet or less in any direction from the closest point anywhere on the boundary line of the real property comprising a school to the closest point of the licensed premises of a service center. OAR 333-333-4130(4)(b).

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the location of the service center is not within 1,000 feet of a school.

The licensed premises of a service center may not be located:
  • Except as provided in ORS 475A.310, within 1,000 feet of:
    • A public elementary or secondary school for which attendance is compulsory under ORS 339.020; or
    • A private or parochial elementary or secondary school, teaching children as described in ORS 339.030.
The Psilocybin School Exclusion Map was developed by Oregon Psilocybin Services to support applicants with the process of identifying if a proposed location is within 1,000 feet of a school to comply with ORS 475A.310. The mapping tool is being updated regularly but may contain inaccuracies. Please do not rely solely on this tool for making a determination for a proposed location. 

Psilocybin School Exclusion Map

While the exclusion map tool may be used as a reference to locate possible schools near the proposed location, private schools are not required to register with Oregon Department of Education (ODE), and the information captured by the tool may be incomplete. For more information, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) Public and Private School Directory can be found below.

Oregon Department of Education (ODE)'s Public and Private School Directory

ORS 475A.310 creates an exception for a proposed service center premises that is located more than 500 feet from a school if OPS determines that there is a physical or geographic barrier capable of preventing children from traversing to the proposed service center premises. Examples of a physical barrier include a prison or an interstate highway. Examples of a geographic barrier include a river or a mountain. Private properties, small streams, or property fences would not meet the criteria for a school exclusion exception request.

To meet the criteria for a school exclusion exception, the applicant must demonstrate that a physical or geographic barrier exists and demonstrate that the barrier would prevent children from traversing to the proposed licensed premises. If OPS determines that the physical or geographic barrier meets the criteria, an applicant may be granted a school exclusion exception.

To apply for a school exclusion exception, an applicant must complete the School Exclusion Exception Request Form and submit all the information required to be submitted along with the form.

Site Inspection Information

Learn more about site inspections:

Product Tax Payment Information

Learn more about the ORS 475A requirement to register with Oregon department of Revenue and submit 15% tax on sale of psilcoybin products to clients:

SB 303 Information

Senate Bill 303 (SB 303) was adopted by the Oregon Legislature in 2023 and is now codified in ORS 475A.372 and ORS 475A.374. Beginning January 1, 2025, licensed service centers will be required to collect and compile certain client level data and compile and compute certain service center level data. Service centers will submit aggregated data to Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) on a quarterly basis. 

Psilocybin Product Potency Information

This Psilocybin Product Potency Information Document is designed to support client decisions on selecting a product type and dose that aligns with their intentions. The document explains different terms used in psilocybin product testing and where they can be found on product labels and other documents required to be shared with clients. OPS encourages facilitators to share and discuss this information with clients during preparation sessions. 

Operational Forms for Service Center Licensees

Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) administrative rules require that licensees use certain forms and documents for the production of psilocybin products and the provision of psilocybin services. Please consult the rules to determine whether a form must be competed for every client or whether it must be completed only when certain conditions or events occur.

Please Note: To digitally sign documents, it is important to download and save the document to a computer, then open it in Adobe Reader to complete. It is recommended that the most current version of Acrobat Reader be used. Click here to get a free download of Adobe Reader. Individuals may need to create and save a new password-protected 'Digital ID' in Acrobat Reader in order to sign the forms digitally. OPS is unable to provide additional technology support.

Formas y documentos operativos del centro de servicio

Spanish versions of new and updated forms are currently being translated and will be posted as soon as they are available. 

Questions? Contact:
