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Test Menu Details

CDC Referral Testing



Search Terms Common General Microbiology Referral Testing: M. tuberculosis Molecular Detection of Drug Resistance (MDDR); M. tuberculosis (MTBC) Drug Susceptibility testing; Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxin testing; Fungal studies for Cryptococcus species, Coccidioides immitus, Cryptocooccus gattii subtyping; Coxiella burnetii PCR; and others
Common Virology/Immunology Referral Testing: Arboviruses; Baylisascariasis; Leishmania; Rubella; West Nile Virus (WNV); and others
How to Order

Using the OSPHL Virology/Immunology or General Microbiology Test Request Form, in the “Referral Testing/Send-Outs” section, indicate the testing requested.

Also complete the CDC Specimen Submission Form.

Send both forms with the specimen.

All clients.

Some orders may require prior approval by local or state public health authorities.
Specimens are sent to the CDC at least weekly.
Time to Reporting
Set by reference laboratory.
CPT Code

Specimen Collection Details

Collection, Handling, Transport

Specimens for testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must be sent to the OSPHL unless expressly directed otherwise by a public health official.

Collect, store, and transport specimens in accordance with the CDC Test Directory. If you are seeking specialized testing which is not listed on the CDC Test Directory, please contact the OSPHL with questions.
Please contact the OSPHL with questions at 503-693-4100.

Method Details

Methods are provided by the CDC laboratories.
Performance Specifications
Set by reference laboratory.

Change Log

Updated Search Terms
Updated Search Terms
Added common Virology/Immunology section send-out
Added common General Microbiology section send-outs

Reviewed; no changes made