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HLO News Details


Seeking Members to Serve on the Direct Entry Midwifery Legend Drugs and Devices Rules Advisory Committee

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

​In 2021, the Oregon Board of Direct Entry Midwifery (Board) tasked the Health Licensing Office (HLO) with assembling a Qualification Committee to review the Legend Drugs and Devices Program. The Qualification Committee met six times during 2023 and determined that the Legend Drugs and Devices Program should consist of a set of standardized competencies and a written and skills assessment examination.​ 

To implement the standardized competencies and written and skills assessment examination into rules, the HLO and the Board are convening a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC). The goal of the RAC is to develop rule recommendations to be considered by the Board prior to filing proposed rules with the Secretary of State’s Office. Rule recommendations will include but are not limited to the following:

  • Review and recommend changes to the standardized competencies
  • Integrate passage of the written and skills examination into the application requirements
  • Develop examination requirements: proctor, location

In addition to providing recommendations, the RAC will evaluate the impact the rules may have on individuals and communities likely to be affected by the rule changes. 

The HLO and the Board are seeking individuals and communities who are likely to be affected by the rule changes to serve on the RAC. Members of RACs provide a unique perspective, subject matter expertise, and lived experience with direct entry midwifery, community birth services and consumer safety in the purchase and administration of legend drugs and devices. The Board recommended the following individuals or communities be represented on the RAC:

  • Licensed direct entry midwives
  • Midwifery educators or instructors
  • Healthcare providers with knowledge of drugs and devices used by licensed direct entry midwives
  • Professional midwifery organizations
  • Consumers of community birth

Members can serve in multiple membership capacities. 

The RAC meetings will be held at the HLO in Salem, Oregon. All RAC members are asked to attend in-person; however, there will be access to the meetings through MS Teams. Please be sure you can attend the meeting dates listed below prior to applying to serve on the RAC. The meeting dates are:

  • Wednesday, April 23, 2025, at 9 a.m.
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025, at 9 a.m.

If you are interested in serving on the RAC and are available to serve on both the dates listed above, complete the Application to Serve on Rules Advisory Committee form and submit by way of email or postal mail no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on April 5, 2025. Completed interest forms can be emailed to Josh Page at or mailed to the following address: 

Health Licensing Office
Attn: Josh Page
1430 Tandem Ave. NE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301-2192

If you have questions, contact Samie Patnode at or call (503) 373-1917 or Josh Page at or call (503) 934-0720.​