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To maintain licensure, a dietitian must complete a minimum of fifteen (15) continuing education (CE) hours every licensure year and one (1) hour of cultural competency CE every other time the license is subject to renewal. For the current CE requirements, please see Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 834-050-0000.
Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions
In order to be eligible to renew a license, licensed direct entry midwife (LDM) must obtain one hour of continuing education in cultural competency (CCCE) every other time the license is subject to renewal. For more information please see Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 834-050-0000.
The Oregon Health Authority, Equity and Inclusion Division offers approved CCCE courses on their CCCE web page.
Documentation supporting compliance with CE requirements must be maintained by the licensee for a period of two (2) years following license renewal and be provided to the Health Licensing Office upon request.
Each licensee shall document compliance with the CE credit requirements through attestation on the license renewal application.
For current auditing and sanction information, please see OAR 834-050-0010.
The pre-approval request process is optional to associations, businesses, organizations, and instructors wanting to provide a CE course. The HLO does not require pre-approval. To obtain pre-approval of CE courses, please go to the HLO Forms page and search for the HLO CEU Pre-Approval Request Form.
Complete the request form (maintaining it in Microsoft Word format), and email it along with all the required supporting documentation (listed on the instructions page) to, or call (503) 378-8667 with your CE related questions.
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