In order to be recognized as an Oregon certified School-Based Health Center (SBHC) and eligible for State funds, data reporting elements - which are determined by the SBHC State Program Office (SPO) - must be submitted to the SPO.
Visit/Encounter Data
Annual visit/encounter data must be collected in an electronic data system, often referred to as a “Practice Management System.” Each visit and the data elements related to that visit described further below must be collected and submitted in an electronic format that is acceptable to the SPO.
Visit/Encounter data must be submitted via secure transmission to the SPO two times per year, no later than January 31 for the previous calendar year (July 1 – Dec 31) and no later than July 15th for the preceding service year (July 1-June 30). In some circumstances, the SPO may request Visit/Encounter data more frequently than twice per year. The SPO may require more frequent Visit/Encounter data submissions as a means of monitoring a site’s data collection operations and to provide technical assistance if problems are noted.
The data variables must be collected in an electronic data system at each encountered visit. These variables include:
View the data elements and their required formats
Operational Profile
The Operational Profile is a web-based database where SBHCs enter information that is, in part, used to demonstrate compliance with the Standards for Certification. Information collected in the database includes staffing roles and shifts, hours of operation, services provided on-site or by referral, waiver submissions for out of compliance issues, Key Performance Measures (KPM) and Financial - Annual Revenue entries for both Primary Care and Mental Health services. Each SBHC Coordinator is responsible for the managing and keeping up to date the content in their Operational Profile. The Operational Profile must be filled out before a site’s initial certification site visit, updated yearly by October 1st, as changes occur throughout the year, and prior to the verification site visit.
Access and login information is issued and maintained by the SPO. For instructions and background information about the Operational Profile, please reference both the
User’s Guide and the
Training presentation.
SBHC Annual Operating Revenue Information
The billing/revenue/funding data is collected via a web-based template. It is a retrospective data report for the previous service/school year. Some of the data collected includes revenue from registration fees, third party payors such as Medicaid and Private Insurance. The template also collects other public and private funding that is used to operate the SBHC. Submission of the SBHC Annual Operating Revenue Report must occur no later than October 1st for the preceding service year (July 1-June 30) into your sites Operational Profile. For instructions, please reference the
Operational Profile User's Guide and this
Financial - Annual Revenue presentation.
Key Performance Measures (KPMs)
Each certified SBHC is required to report on two Core KPMs, as well as one of eight Optional KPMs. As part of the KPMs process, SBHCs are required annually to perform a random chart audit of 20% of their charts of the eligible population, with a
minimum of 30 charts and a
maximum of 50 charts. If the SBHC has fewer than 30 eligible charts, they should review all eligible charts. Any physical, mental or oral health visit for which the SBHC currently submits data to SPO would be eligible to be included in the chart audit, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
For background information and instructions on how to submit chart audit results, please reference this
KPM presentation.
Guidance documents were created to outline the definitions and requirements for each measure: