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RH Program Trainings

This page has RH Program-specific trainings for each clinic-type, information about what trainings RH Program-certified clinics must take, and training resources from trusted reproductive health organizations.

    RH Program's Clinical Services Orientation 

    This 25-minute RH Program's Clinical Services Orientation, updated June 2024, gives a high-level overview of the RH Program's clinical program; its funding streams; client eligibility for coverage; services; billing and data; program monitoring; and program resources. 

    Video | Slides (with clickable links)

    Reproductive Health Access Fund Trainings

    The following trainings are for staff at RHCare, CCare, and AbortionCare clinics and are helpful for new staff or those who need a refresher. RH Coordinators should be familiar with each.

    Policy Change - RH Access Fund Enrollment Extended to 24 Months Starting June 1, 2024! 
    All clients who enroll in the RH Access Fund on June 1 and after will have 2 years of continuous RH Access Fund coverage, unless they enroll in OHP within that time span. Any clients who are already enrolled as of June 1st, will have their enrollment extended by 12 months. We are working on updating the Client Enrollment Process training to reflect this and other changes while we finish revising the enrollment form. 

    Eligibility.jpg Client Enrollment Process (updated December 2023)

    Learn more about the enrollment form and process as well as how to use the eligibility database. This training is for RHCare, CCare, and AbortionCare Clinics. Following the training, take the short Test Your Knowledge quiz. This can be accessed via the QR code at the end of the training or by following the link listed on the slide. 

    Video | Slides (with clickable links)


    Learn about how to submit data and bill the RH Access Fund! Billers, clinical staff, and anyone who touches the CVR should watch.

    RHCare ClinicsVideoSlides (with clickable links)

    CCare ClinicsVideo | Slides (with clickable links)

    Trainings Required for RHCare, CCare, and AbortionCare Clinics

    This table shows the training requirements for staff at RHCare, CCare, and AbortionCare clinics. Please note: if staff already attended a training about the required topic, it may meet the program's Certification Requirement. 

    See a menu of trainings that meet these requirementsTrainings-Table.JPG

    Webinar: Understanding Open Adoption (40 mins)

    We teamed up with staff at Open Adoption & Family Services (OAFS) to help train clinic staff on how to provide compassionate support and accurate information to pregnant people considering adoption. This is the first in two-part series, the second part of which will be a Trauma-Informed Options Counseling Workshop to be offered in 2022.

    In this webinar, OAFS staff dive into:

    • Why the era of closed adoption is over and open adoption is now the norm.

    • How openness serves the needs of the adoptee, birth parents, and adoptive parents.

    • What a high-integrity open adoption looks like and how the process works.

    • Best practices in options counseling and adoption planning services.

    External Training Resources

    Reproductive Health National Training Centers

    Provides a variety of tools, trainings, and resources for providing quality reproductive health services.

    National Clinical Training Center for Family Planning (NCTCFP)

    The NCTCFP provides continuous, high-quality clinical skills training and resources to health care providers within the reproductive health and related public health communities. By providing current clinical protocols and using new technologies and national standards, the NCTCFP trains and supports clinical family planning Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, Physicians, and Physician Assistants through competency-based modalities.

    PICCK (Partners in Contraceptive Choice and Knowledge)

    The Partners in Contraceptive Choice and Knowledge (PICCK) program is a project of the state of Massachusetts that promotes excellence and equity in contraceptive care. They offer clinical training webinars as well materials to support patient outreach, education, clinic workflows, and billing.

    UW STD Prevention Training Center

    The University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center provides health care provider training on the prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

    Cardea Training Center

    Cardea is a National Women of Color-led organization that leverages their expertise in social impact evaluation, policy advancement, capacity development, and professional learning. Their training center offers free and low-cost trainings on a variety topics including adolescent health, sexual health, health equity, etc. 

    Federal Training Centers Collaboration

    Federal Training Centers Collaborative (FTCC) are federally funded training and technical assistance centers with the missions of 1) increasing collaboration in the prevention and treatment of STIs, and other health disorders, and the management and promotion of sexual and reproductive health; and 2) maximizing the use of federal resources to help meet the training and organizational capacity building needs of the health care and public health workforce in promoting health and reducing health disparities.

    Essentials Health Access

    Essentials Health Access has many good resources for general reproductive health information.

    National Family Planning Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA)

    For NFPRHA webinars, regional meetings, and conferences look under the "Events" tab on the top of the page.