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Oregon Health Authority

RHCare Clinical Practice Standards (CPS's)

RHCare agencies are required to adopt and follow the RHCare Clinical Practice Standards (CPSs). The CPSs are based on national standards of care and ensure that all clients receive the same high quality reproductive health services.  

To adopt the CPSs, agencies' Health Officer, Medical Director, or medical designee* must review all RHCare Clinical Practice Standards and attest that certified RHCare clinics will follow them in all RHCare visits.  

*A medical designee is a clinician who is trained and permitted by state-specific regulations to perform all aspects of the physical assessments recommended for contraceptive, related preventive health, basic infertility care. They must work at the agency on a regular basis, have prescribing and medical decision-making authority, and be familiar with RHCare requirements and the agency’s staffing and clinical practices.

Note: If your agency cites different national standards of care than those cited in these CPSs, your agency will be responsible for keeping your CPSs up to date.

Clinical Practice Standards

The RH Program is committed to keeping its CPSs current, which means that as national standards of care change so must the Clinical Practice Standards. The most recently revised CPSs are posted below. If the title and date are bolded it means it was updated recently. To view a summary of the most recently updated CPSs, see Clinical Practices Standards Changes Table.

Agencies are expected to revise their CPSs to align with the CPSs posted on the RH Program website within 3 months. Agencies that cite different national standards of care than those cited by the RH Program are expected to keep their CPSs up-to-date. 

Resources for Implementing the CPSs

National Standards of Care

The following publications from the Centers for Disease Control and Office of Population Affairs describe national standards for the provision of reproductive healthcare:

All Birth Control Method CPSs

Sample Protocols (Word) - Agencies are welcome to use these sample protocols (sometimes referred to as "standing orders") as a template for allowing RN-initiated contraceptive methods or other medications.

STI Screening, Testing, and Treatment CPS

2022 Oregon STI Screening Recommendations

 2021 STI Treatment Guidelines

Core RH Services CPS

See this brief screening instrument for anxiety: GAD-2

Emergency Contraception CPS

The following job aids from the Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC) are a useful overview of the different ECP and IUD options.

Emergency Contraception Facts for Family Planning Staff

EC Methods Table

Screening Tools

Screening for alcohol and drug use, depression, and sexual coercion is a healthcare best practice. These are four validated screening tools that clinics may use.

Alcohol Use English Spanish
English Spanish
Drug Use English Spanish
Sexual Coercion English Spanish