According to data from the Oregon Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS, a random-digit-dialed telephone survey that is administered annually to adults 18 years or older in each state), adult asthma prevalence in Oregon was 10.8 percent (approximately 340,000 adults) in 2015.1
In 2013, 14 percent of currently employed Oregonians with asthma said that chemicals, smoke, fumes or dust at their current job caused their asthma and 24 percent of respondents said those substances caused asthma or made their asthma worse.4
1 Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention section. Chronic diseases among adults, Oregon 2015. Created November 11, 2016. Accessed 1/9/2017.
2 National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. 2014. What is asthma? Available at URL: Accessed 1/9/2017.
3 Balmes J, Becklake M, Blanc P et al. 2003. Environmental and Occupational Health Assembly, American Thoracic Society. American Thoracic Society statement: occupational contribution to the burden of airway disease. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 167:787-97.
4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated percent with asthma caused or made worse by their current job among adults with current asthma by state/territory – BRFSS Asthma Call-back Survey Land Line and Cell Phone Combined Sampled, United States, 2013. Accessed 1/20/2017.