Health impact assessment (HIA) provides decision-makers with information about how any policy, program, or project may affect the health of people.
Between 2011 and 2014, Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
conducted a series of three health impact assessments (HIAS) on a
series of decisions within Metro's Climate Smart Communities (CSS) planning project. The
HIAs were requested by Metro to ensure that Metro decision-makers had
access to public health evidence and best practices as they shaped and
approved a greenhouse gas reduction plan for light duty vehicles in the
Portland metropolitan region.
Using in-depth literature reviews, expert analysis, and risk
assessment-based modeling tools, the HIAs found that the scenarios under
consideration during the CSS planning process could impact health by
influencing physical activity levels, road safety for all users, and
exposure to transportation-related air pollutants. The Climate Smart
Strategy adopted by Metro Council could reduce chronic diseases like
heart disease, stroke, and diabetes 2-4%. That may seem like a small
change, but the Portland metro region currently spend $1.2 billion each
year on heart disease alone; tax-funded programs like Cover Oregon and
Medicare pay for 35% percent of that total. By reducing cancer, chronic
diseases, and traffic-related injuries and fatalities, the adopted
Strategy could reduce health care spending by more than $100 million
each year.
The HIAs also found that some members of the community bear more than
their share of the costs for transportation and land use policies and
investments. For example, people who bike and walk are exposed to
greater risks on our region's roads leading to higher rates of injury
and death; and people who live and work near high volumes roads are
exposed to higher levels of air pollution, leading to higher rates of
asthma, hear disease, and stroke.
Learn More
Climate Smart Communities Scenarios HIA (2013)
Community Climate Choices HIA (2014)
Climate Smart Strategies HIA (2014)