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Learn more about how and why we track disease data by watching this video:
Epi 101: The Basics of Epidemiology, created by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).
Please review the data below, and if you have data questions that can't be answered by this information, please fill out this data request form. Thank you!
HIV Data Dashboards
The purpose of the End HIV Oregon Dashboard is to use notifiable disease, survey and prescription drug data to track metrics under the four pillars of the initiative with the goal of eliminating new HIV transmissions and improving the health of people living with HIV.
Testing is easy
Prevention works
Treatment saves lives
Ending disparities includes tracking metrics, changing policy and working with community partners.
The HIV Epidemiologic Profile summarizes key aspects of the HIV epidemic in Oregon.
- People living with HIV by county and demographic
- HIV diagnoses, trends by county and by demographic
- Sexually transmitted diseases reported before HIV diagnosis
- Early engagement in care:
- Linkage to care in 30 days
- Viral load suppression within 90 days
- Late diagnoses (AIDS diagnoses within 90 days)
- The HIV Care Continuum
- Mortality:
- Causes of death
- Differences in 10-year survival
HIV Care and Treatment Data DashboardsOregon's HIV Care and Treatment Program is made up of three programs: HIV Case Management, CAREAssist, and Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership (OHOP). Together, they aim to ensure that people living with HIV across Oregon can easily and equitably access high-quality, cost-effective, and culturally-responsive HIV medical care and support services. The purpose of Oregon’s HIV Care and Treatment Program dashboards is to track the delivery and outcomes of these services.
Oregon MMP Data Dashboard
This dashboard shows data collected from 2015 - 2021 via the
Oregon Medical Monitoring Project (MMP). Oregon MMP participants are representative of the overall population of people living with HIV in Oregon. The dashboard includes information on demographics, clinical indicators, stigma, unmet services, social determinants, substance use and a glossary. Each tab has filters to select the region, year, and category.
HIV and STD Testing and Prevention
The HIV/STD prevention testing dashboard looks at publicly funded HIV and STD testing data in Oregon. The dashboard breaks down HIV and STD testing data by county or agency and by testing year. It presents demographic and risk data as well as other relevant metrics.
STD Dashboards
The chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis reports show the incidence rate in all Oregon counties, demographic information, treatment and the percentage of some of the factors affecting each disease. Incidence rates are shown for the last decade and treatment and factors affecting disease show only recent data.
Each disease report has tabs to navigate across the data on the top of the page and has filters to select a specific year in the top right corner.
TB Annual Surveillance Data
The tuberculosis dashboards show TB disease rates and trends by county and year. It also includes details about demographics, race and ethnicity, clinical characteristics, treatment, and outcome for years 2014-2023.
Communicable Disease Surveillance Reports
The weekly communicable disease surveillance report looks at a selection of reportable diseases in Oregon. The report presents case counts by report week and compares current data to historical trends. The report is only available for the current week. The weekly report is now available in an interactive dashboard on Tableau Public. Weekly data are preliminary and will change as cases are reported, reviewed and updated.
To view chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, congenital syphilis, early syphilis, and tuberculosis data, choose the disease from the "Select a disease to view” dropdown menu.
The monthly communicable disease surveillance report looks at reportable diseases in Oregon. The report breaks down cases for a variety of diseases by county, month and year of occurrence, age group, race, and ethnicity. (Note: The counts include only those cases reported up to the month you select for all years in the report. For example, if you select July, the report includes only cases reported each year from January to July.)
Monthly report data are preliminary and will change as cases are reported, reviewed and updated.
To view chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, congenital syphilis, early syphilis, and tuberculosis data, choose the disease from the "Select a disease to view” dropdown menu.
This report presents communicable disease case counts by year and month as well as case rates (per 100,000 persons) by age group and sex, race, ethnicity, county, and in Oregon compared to the rest of the United States. New to the report this year is the inclusion of information on HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and tuberculosis in Oregon.