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Hepatitis C

Disease Information

Hepatitis C (formerly called non-A, non-B hepatitis) is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus. Other types of viral hepatitis include hepatitis A (formerly called infectious hepatitis), hepatitis B (serum hepatitis), hepatitis D (delta hepatitis) and hepatitis E (a virus transmitted through the feces of an infected person).

In 2015, Oregon published its first viral hepatitis epidemiologic profile - Viral Hepatitis in Oregon (pdf) - in collaboration with an advisory group that included other OHA programs and state agencies, local health departments, academic partners, health systems, community-based agencies and community members. The goals of the report are to increase public and professional awareness of screening recommendations for treatment of HCV; provide useful data to local health departments, other state agencies, and health care providers and systems for planning purposes; and inform policies for viral Hepatitis prevention and care.

Disease Reporting

What is required?

Health Care Providers 

All cases of acute hepatits C are required by law to be reported to local health departments within one working day of identification

Clinical Laboratories

Clinical laboratories are required by law to report cases and suspect cases of hepatitis C to local health departments within one working day of identification.

  • See the Disease Reporting page for information on how to report and for telephone numbers of local health departments.

For Local Health Departments

HCV Reporting

Free HCV Screening Project for Local Health Departments

This project supports free HCV screenings for high-risk individuals in participating counties. The participating counties agree to follow the Free HCV Screen Protocol. For more information about the project, please email

HCV Testing

CDC is recommending an additional target for HCV testing: Persons born during 1945 – 1965

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an increasing cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Many of the 2.7–3.9 million persons living with HCV infection are unaware they are infected and do not receive care (e.g., education, counseling, and medical monitoring) and treatment.

CDC estimates that although persons born during 1945—1965 comprise an estimated 27% of the population, they account for approximately three fourths of all HCV infections in the United States, 73% of HCV-associated mortality, and are at greatest risk for liver cancer and other HCV-related liver disease.

With the development of new therapies that can halt disease progression and provide a virologic cure (i.e., can eradicate HCV from the bloodstream of infected patients) in most persons, targeted testing and linkage to care for infected persons in this birth cohort is expected to reduce the numbers of HCV-related cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver transplants, and deaths.


CDC has revised previous recommendations for HCV testing to recommend one-time testing without prior ascertainment of HCV risk for persons born during 1945—1965, a population with a disproportionately high prevalence of HCV infection and related disease.

Persons identified as having HCV infection should receive a brief screening for alcohol use and intervention as clinically indicated, followed by referral to appropriate care for HCV infection and related conditions.

These recommendations do not replace previous guidelines for HCV testing that are based on known risk factors and clinical indications. Rather, they define an additional target population for testing: persons born during 1945—1965.

Testing Resources for Clinicians

Testing Information for the Public


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Poster Session

See Also

Brochures from CDC

CDC Factsheet