How to Interpret Data
Preliminary data for births, deaths, fetal deaths, and induced abortions are undergoing editing procedures which result in frequent and significant changes. Please use caution when interpreting these data. Data can be used for tracking recent health events, but are not appropriate for use in statistical analyses.
A limited number of summary tables are available. Birth, death, and fetal death tables show events to Oregon residents. Abortion tables include out-of-state residents who obtained abortion services in Oregon, but do not include Oregonians who may have obtained abortions elsewhere.
The data include all registered records as of the run date shown on the table. It does not include records received but not yet processed by the Center for Health Statistics.
Border counties will have less complete data because some of their residents experience the vital event outside of Oregon. Out-of-state records are received by the Center for Health Statistics much later than in-state records.
Calculating rates? Aggregating data? The Data Users Task Group has developed a booklet to help you learn how to gather, interpret, and present data accuately.
Download The Data Difference - The data user's guide: Using data for better decisions.