Vital statistics data are confidential and exempt from public disclosure. The release of vital statistics data is regulated by Oregon law and is generally limited to public health purposes.
Data Use Request Forms
The Center for Health Statistics uses surveys to capture information about individuals requesting access to Oregon vital statistics data.
Use the appropriate link below to complete your data use request form:
NEW REQUESTS: You may use the Word document below to prepare your answers for the online form. You cannot save the online form and return to it later.
Key questions for data requests
Resources on this page:
Release of Vital Statistics Data - General Information
Per ORS 432.350, "[t]he state registrar may adopt rules permitting the disclosure of vital records and reports and related documents, data or information if the disclosure is for public health purposes or if the state registrar otherwise determines that:
(A) The requestor has a valid need for the information;
(B) The information cannot be obtained from other sources;
(C) The requestor is authorized to receive the information; and
(D) The integrity of the vital record or report can be assured."
In addition, OAR 333-011-0325 states (in part) that "[t]he state registrar shall not permit access to or disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in vital records...unless the applicant is authorized to obtain such record for a proper purpose.
(a) Access to or disclosure of information contained in vital records for sale or release to the public, for direct or indirect marketing of goods or services, for other non-research solicitation of registrants or families of registrants, or for other commercial or speculative purposes shall not be deemed a proper purpose."
Researchers who are requesting Oregon vital statistics data (including all those who will use or have access to the requested data set must agree to abide by the Center for Health Statistics Database Confidentiality Rules (pdf).
Instructions for Requesting Data
- Complete the Data Use Request form by clicking the appropriate link at the top of this page. Use the first link if you work in the Oregon Public Health Division and are making a new request. All other new requests should use the second link. If you are making changes to an already approved request, use the third link. Be sure to email or fax the signature page to our office as instructed on the form.
- Certain questions may require you to look up information, or you may wish to prepare some answers in advance and paste them into the online form. NOTE: Once you begin the online request form, there is no way to save your progress and return to it later. Before beginning, be sure you have answers to all of the questions in this document.

- Data use requests are reviewed by the Center for Health Statistics every other week. If there are questions regarding your submission, you will hear from us after this review. We encourage you to make your submission as complete as possible to prevent delay. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about preparing your submission.
- For most requests, CHS charges an hourly rate ($60/hour) for the time required to prepare a custom data set. You will be notified of the payment amount upon approval of your data request.
- Full details about the data use request process for Oregon vital record data can be found in OAR 333-011-0325.
File Layouts
*To ensure confidentiality, not all variables are available for release.
Database Descriptions
- 2008 - current final data: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. The file layout, variables, and variable codes were substantially revised in 2008 to match the current U.S. standard certificate. Comparisons or combinations of 1989-2007 data with 2008-current data are not possible in most cases without recoding.
- 1989 - 2007: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. Records follow the older file format.
- Most recent (preliminary) data: Records are NOT finalized and are subject to change.
- 2006 - current final data: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. Includes all condition codes; ICD-10 only. In 2005, there was a major change in the format of all variables as well as the addition of several new variables.
- 1989 - 2005: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. Includes all condition codes. There was a major change in data beginning in 1999 with the change from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Most demographic items were coded in the same format.
- Most recent (preliminary) data: Records are NOT finalized and are subject to change.
- 2008 - current final data: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. The file layout, variables, and variable codes were substantially revised in 2008. Comparisons or combinations of 1989-2007 data with 2008-current data are not possible in most cases without recoding.
- 1989 - 2007: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. Records follow the older file format.
- Most recent (preliminary) data: Records are NOT finalized and are subject to change.
- 2005 - current final data: Finalized data containing registered records no longer subject to change. Death variables from 2005 and birth variables from 2004-2007 were recoded to match the newer file layouts.
- Most recent (preliminary) data: Records are NOT finalized and are subject to change.
- 2015 - current final data: Finalized data containing records no longer subject to change. The file layout, variables, and variable codes were revised in 2015. Facility and patient residence information is unavailable for release.
- 1989 - 2014: Finalized data containing records no longer subject to change. Facility and patient residence information is unavailable for release.