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Oregon Health Authority

Order a Preadoption Birth Certificate

Oregon State Vital Records is offering appointments for in-person visits to ORDER vital records. Click HERE to schedule your appointment.

In-person customer assistance to CHANGE vital records is not available.

Click HERE for more information on how to make changes to a record or contact the  Amendment Unit at

As a result of Measure 58, an initiative passed by Oregon voters in 1998, an Oregon-born adoptee age twenty-one and older can order their Preadoption Birth Record - the original birth certificate which lists the adoptee's birth parents.

    Checklist to Order a Preadoption Birth Certificate

    alt text Be 21 Years Old or Older.

    alt text
    Meet Eligibility Requirement to Receive the Preadoption Record and, if Necessary, Provide Proof of Eligibility.

    Only the Adoptee may order their preadoption birth record.

    • Adoptee must be born in Oregon.
    • Adoptee must be 21 years of age or older.

    Acceptable Proof of ID


    • Words must be legible and photo must be clear.

    • Expired documents are not acceptable.

    Any ONE of the following documents are acceptable:​​​​​

    1. Current, valid driver's license, permit, or ID card.

    2. Current, valid passport or passport card with photo.

    3. Tribal Membership or ID card with photo and address (without photo accepted as one of three pieces of ID).

    4. US Armed Services ID Card with photo.

    5. Current student body card with name and photo (High school students only).

    6. Consulate Card (Matrícula Consular) with photo and address.

    7. Citizen ID with photo.

    8. Permanent Resident Card with photo.

    9. State or federal government ID badge with photo.


    Any THREE of the following documents, as long as at least one shows your current address:


    1. Selective Service Card or military discharge paper (Must be original).

    2. US Immigration or naturalization papers.

    3. Concealed weapon permit with photo.

    4. Official papers issued by courts of record which include date of birth.

    5. Official corrections department or parole papers showing date of birth and full name.

    6. Vehicle registration or title.

    7. Personalized check or savings account passbook.

    8. Monthly banking or mortgage account statement. (Document must be no more than 30 days old.)

    9. Pistol or firearms permit.

    10. State hunting or fishing license.

    11. Recent utility or other bill with current address (Document must be no more than 30 days old.)

    12. Recent paycheck stub or paycheck (Official company type only). (Document must be no more than 30 days old.)

    13. Voter registration card issued by a county elections department.

    14. Valid food stamp, welfare, or unemployment identification.

    15. Medical or hospital insurance card.

    16. Tax statements – W-2 forms, etc.

    17. Auto insurance policy.

    18. Union membership card.

    19. Rental Agreement that displays the rental property header/logo, is the current property of residence, is signed by the property manager, and shows that ID verification has taken place.

    If there are differences between information provided and information on the record, or questions about the validity of any document, staff are authorized to request additional information or documents.

    A printable version of the identifying documents list is available in both English and Spanish.

    ​Post adoption information about adoptee listed on birth record

    • Full legal name on record (after adoption)

    • Date of birth

    • Place of birth - city and/or county

    • Adoptive Mother/Parent A's legal name at their birth (prior to first name/maiden name) 

    • Adoptive Father/Parent B's legal name at birth (prior to first marriage)

    Adoptee information as the applicant​

    • Your reason for ordering the certificate

    • Your current legal name and mailing address

    • Your contact information (daytime telephone number and/or email)

    alt text
      Complete the Order
      (See specific order methods below for information on how to order including links and order forms.)
    • By Drop Box 
    • By Mail

    alt textPay Fee(s)   
    (See “Ways to Order a Certificate" below.)

62 px Ways to Order a Certificate

Select an order option below and open the drop down menu for more information, forms and payment instructions.

$30.00​ Initial nonrefundable record search fee and first certificate 

Additional Fees:

$30.00 for each additional certificate ordered. ​​​​​

Once a search for a record has been started, orders cannot be cancelled, and fees cannot be refunded.​



No cash. Make payment by money order or check.

Make payment out to:​

​​​OHA/Vital Records​

Please do not staple any documents or payments to the order form​.

Send your signed order form(s), fees, copy of ID, and any other necessary​ documents ​​to:​​​​


Oregon Vital Records​​
PO Box 14050​

Portland OR 97293

Processing Tim​​e:

​Please allow approximately 6 - 8 weeks processing time for preadoption orders from the date the order is received in our office.​

The following may cause delays with processing the order:

  • The sealed file is not easily identified or found

  • Inaccurate information was submitted on the application

  • Inaccurate or incomplete eligibility documents were provided

  • The applicant who submitted the order is not eligible

  • An amendment on the record is being processed

  • The record is not on file​ 

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.

Once the order has been processed, it will then be shipped to the customer. Corrections or amendments to records will add additional time for processing. 


Certificate orders placed by mail are shipped by regular mail with the United States Postal Service (USPS).


If you need the certificate(s) shipped in a way other than by USPS, enclose a pre-addressed, pre-paid delivery envelope. ​​​

Drop off your signed order form(s), fees, copy of ID, and any other necessary documents in a sealed envelope in the secure drop box.


$30.00 Initial nonrefundable record search fee and first certificate

Additional Fees:

​​​​$30.00 for each additional certificate ordered.

Once a search for a record has been started, orders cannot be cancelled, and fees cannot be refunded.​


No cash. Make payment by money order or check.

Make payment out to:

OHA/Vital Records

Please do not staple any documents or payments to the order form.

Location of Drop Box:

Oregon Vital Records
800 NE Oregon Street 
Portland OR 97232

Located at the entrance by the west door (located in the parking lot)

 Drop Box.pngDirections to Vital Records

Processing Time:

Please allow approximately 6 - 8 weeks processing time for preadoption orders from the date the order is received in our office. Materials are collected from the drop box Monday – Friday. ​

The following may cause delays with processing the order:

  • The sealed file is not easily identified or found​

  • Inaccurate information was submitted on the application

  • Inaccurate or incomplete eligibility documents were provided

  • The applicant who submitted the order is not eligible

  • An amendment on the record is being processed

  • The record is not on file

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.

Once the order has been processed, it will then be shipped to the customer. Corrections or amendments to records will add additional time for ​processing.


Certificate orders placed by mail are shipped by regular mail with the United States Postal Service (USPS).


If you need the certificate(s) shipped in a way other than by USPS, enclose a pre-addressed, pre-paid delivery envelope. 


Informational Slides / Videos About the Vital Records Drop Box:

    Preadoption Birth Records: Information for Adoptees

    What the Adoptee​ Receives when Applying for a Preadoption Birth Certificate:


    • Original Birth Certificate:

      The information on a preadoption birth certificate was provided by the birth parent(s) at the time of birth and is in a sealed file. Certified copies of the original birth record will be clearly marked as a preadoption record. These records will not be accepted by government agencies as legal birth certificates for purposes of identification.
      Note: If the applicant has been adopted several times, they will only receive the first, original birth certificate they received immediately following their birth. 

    • Contact Information/Medical History Information

      If the birth parent(s) provided any Contact information, this will be on the Contact Preference Form for Birth Parents of Adopted Children. If any medical history was provided, this will be indicated by the presence of a Certificate of Receipt of Birth Parent Updated Medical History Form. The certificate of receipt will have information on which organization to contact to obtain the medical history (Oregon voluntary adoption registry or other adoption agency).​​​


    Adoptees will not receive any legal documents or any other forms or documents that may be in their sealed file.



    • No Record Letter

      In a few cases a sealed file is located and opened but no original birth certificate is found. Frequently this means that no birth record was found at the time the adoption occurred. 
      In other cases, no file may be found after a search is completed. This may indicate that no adoption took place or was recorded.
      If either of these scenarios occurs, the applicant will receive a letter from the State Registrar with an official seal stating no record was found. ​


    Please note: 

    The information on a preadoption certificate may, or may not, be complete. A birth parent may have chosen to leave the name of the child blank or to give them the last name of a person not listed on the birth record. The mother's name and the father's name on this document may, or may not, be complete.


    As of 2024 OAR 333-011-0277 allows an adoptee 21 years of age or older has the ability to amend that birth record to add the name of a biological parent if parentage is confirmed by DNA testing. Visit the Amending an Original Record of Live Birth Prior to Adoption page which can be accessed from Change a Record menu of our home page

    If you want more information about locating birth parent(s), you have several options:


    If you know which adoption agency handled your adoption (such as Albertina Kerr, Boys and Girls Aid Society, or Waverly) you can contact that adoption agency directly. Many other private agencies in the state maintain their own mutual consent registries. ​

    The Voluntary Adoption Registry was created in 1983 to assist adoptees, birth parents, biological siblings, and other eligible persons who wish to learn more about an adoption that was completed in the State of Oregon. The registry is maintained by the ​State Children, Adults and Families and creates a method of communicating information if both parties consent.

    If you were party to an adoption completed in Oregon and would like more information, contact:

         Department of Human Services

         Adoption Search and Registry

         500 Summer Street NE, E71

         Salem, OR 97301-1068

    If the adoption was arranged by Albertina Kerr, Boys and Girls Aid Society, or Waverly, contact that agency directly. Many other private agencies in the state maintain their own mutual consent registries.​

    Counseling Referrals

    If you would like to speak with a counselor about meeting a biological parent, you can obtain a list of counselors from any adoption agency, or from Adoption Services in the Department of Human Services. ​

    Information for Birth Parents of Adoptees

    ​Under Oregon law, the biological parents of a child who has been adopted cannot order a copy of their child's original birth record or a copy of the legal birth record after adoption unless they obtain a court order from an Oregon court. For reference, see Oregon Revised Statutes 432.245(4); 432.228(1); and 432.250. ​

    ​The 1999 Oregon Legislature passed HB3194 to provide a way for birth parents to file a form with the Oregon Center for Health Statistics (CHS) stating their preference about personal contact with the adoptee. The completed preference form will be filed at CHS along with the original birth certificate in a sealed file. Contact preference forms are mailed to adoptees when the birth records are released. If the preference form is filed within six months of issuance of the preadoption birth certificate, Vital Records will forward the contact preference form to the address of the adoptee listed on the order form.

    To match the Contact Preference Form to the birth record, it is very important to provide an accurate

    • Date of birth

    • Place of birth

    • Facility of birth

    In some cases a match to the original birth record may not be possible without this information.

    If a birth parent wants contact;

    Mail the Contact Preference Form directly to:

    Oregon Center for Health Statistics

    Certification Unit

    PO Box 14050

    Portland OR 97293-0050 

    If a birth parent does not want contact;

    Please note: This form requires legal size (8.5 x 14) paper​. 

    File the Birth Parent Updated Medical History Form with the adoption agency involved, or directly to:

    Department of Human Services

    Adoption Services/Registry, 2nd Floor South

    500 Summer Street NE, E71

    Salem, OR 97301-1068

    Once the medical history form has been received, a certification statement will be forwarded to the Oregon Center for Health Statistics office. Without this certification document, CHS cannot file and release the contact preference form for birth parents who do not want contact.

    If you have any questions about the forms or the filing of these forms, you may call either the Oregon Center for Health Statistics at 971-673-1190, or Adoption Services/Registry at 503-63​2-2264.

     scale-balanced-regular.svgMeasure 58 Updates and Anniversary Reports

    ​November 3, 1998 - Voters passed Ballot Measure 58.

    Before December 3, 1998 when the law was scheduled to go into effect, a group of birth mothers filed a court appeal questioning the constitutionality of the law. They put forward arguments that they were promised confidentiality which could not legally be withdrawn. Pending the outcome of the review, Marion County Court issued a stay, stopping the implementation of the law. The Court review of the appeal was delayed while additional birth mothers joined the opponents and some individuals and organizations asked to be recognized as intervenors and respondents in the appeal. The Oregon Department of Justice acted on behalf of the State of Oregon to defend the new law before the Marion County Court. Immediately after the law passed, the Vital Records Office began to receive orders for the records which could not be processed due to the legal challenge and resulting court stay.

    July 19, 1999 - The Marion County Court upheld the constitutionality of Ballot Measure 58.

    Before the ruling was signed and the law could go into effect, the opponents of the law requested and were granted an injunction, stopping implementation while an appeal was filed with the Oregon Court of Appeals. By July 19, 1999, almost 600 orders had been received which could not be processed.

    July 1999 - The Oregon Legislature amended Ballot Measure 58 to allow birth parents to file statements about their preference for contact.

    The Oregon Legislature passed HB 3194. This bill provided a means for birth parents to file a statement about their preference for contact. If they want contact, birth parents provide addresses where they can be reached. If birth parents do not want contact, they are required to file updated medical history forms for use by the adoptee. Vital Records became responsible for matching the forms to legal birth records and filing the forms in the related sealed files. If a preadoption birth record is released which has been matched to a preference form, it is issued as well.

    By the end of July 1999, the Vital Records office had more than 1000 orders pending for preadoption birth records.

    August 4, 1999 - The Oregon Court of Appeals set a deadline of August 12 to respond to a motion to stay judgement pending a new appeal.

    August 16, 1999 - The Marion County Court extended the stay on enforcing the law for 90 days or until the court could decide the appeal.

    September 13, 1999 - The stay is extended until January 2000.

    December 29, 1999 - The Oregon Appeals Court issued an opinion upholding the constitutionality of Ballot Measure 58.

    The law became effect immediately with the Appeals Court action, and the Oregon Vital Records began processing orders by requesting sealed files from the archives. Almost 1600 orders were pending, but no records were issued due to a new stay.

    December 30, 1999 - The Oregon Appeals Court approved a seven-day stay while a new appeal was prepared.

    January 7, 2000 - The Oregon Supreme Court ruled that the stay should continue indefinitely while the Court considered whether to review the case.

    March 21, 2000 - Oregon Supreme Court denied a request for review, but kept the stay in effect for 21 days.

    By the end of March 2000, more than 2000 orders were pending for preadoption birth records.

    April 10, 2000 - The Oregon Supreme Court extended the stay until May 2.

    May 3, 2000 - The opponents of the law petitioned the Oregon Supreme Court to reconsider their earlier decision not to review the law. The stay was extended while the Court considered the petition.

    May 16, 2000 - The Oregon Supreme Court denied the request for reconsideration and extended the stay for 14 days.

    May 24, 200- The Oregon Appeals Court denied the request for an extension of the stay.

    With the denial of the extension, the date for processing of orders was set for May 31, 2000.

    May 31, 2000 - Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court failed, and the processing of orders began.The first records were mailed on June 2.

    Oregon Vital Records started processing the 2200 orders on hand, beginning with the earliest orders placed. By the end of June 2000, another 1600 orders had been received, for a total of 3800 orders.

    September 5, 2000 - Oregon Vital Records caught up on the backlog of orders and began processing new requests as they arrived.

    By the end of the first week of September, about 4400 preadoption birth records were issued, and all backlogged orders were researched. Some orders remained which could not be filled without special searches due to problems with locating the sealed files or identifying the correct sealed file numbers.​

    May 31, 2001 - First Year Anniversary Report

    The first anniversary for the implementation of the law that allowed adoptees to order birth certificates listing their biological parent(s). Oregon born adoptees over the age of 21 or their legal representatives had placed 5832 orders for these birth records and the Center for Health Statistics completed and issued 5565 birth certificates. By May 31, 2001, 411 Contact Preference Forms from biological parents were received. Of this total, 305 birth parents wanted direct contact, 27 stated they wanted contact through an intermediary, and 79 filed statements saying they did not want contact but provided an updated medical history form for the adoptee.

    (NOTE: The data presented below is cumulative since implementation in 2000. These are not annual totals.)

    May 31, 2002 - Two Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2003 - Three Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2004 - Four Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2005 - Five Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2006 - Six Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2007 - Seven Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2008 - Eight Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2009 - Nine Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2010 - Ten Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:    


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2011 - Eleven Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2012 - Twelve Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2013 - Thirteen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2014 - Fourteen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2015 - Fifteen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2016 - Sixteen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2017 - Seventeen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2018 - Eighteen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2019 - Nineteen Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2020 - Twenty Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2021 - Twenty One Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2022 - Twenty Two Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:


    May 31, 2023 - Twenty Three Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:



    May 31, 2024​ - Twenty Four Year Anniversary Report

    Total records ordered since implementation:


    Total records issued since implementation:


    Total Contact Preference Forms submitted by birth parents:


         Number asking for contact with adoptee:


         Number asking for contact through an intermediary:


         Number asking for no contact:



    ​The following table summarizes the average number of new orders per month for preadoption birth records received by the Center for Health Statistics annually.


    Average New Orders Per Month















































