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Oregon Health Authority

Order a Marriage Certificate

Oregon State Vital Records is offering appointments for in-person visits to ORDER vital records. Click HERE to schedule your appointment.

In-person customer assistance to CHANGE vital records is not available.

For more information on how to make changes to a record contact the Amendment Unit at

According to Oregon law, access to marriage records is restricted for 50 years after the date of the marriage. 
Those wanting to order a marriage certificate must complete an application process and prove their eligibility. For more information, see ORS 432.380.

Oregon Center for Health Statistics has received an increased number of calls about third-party vendors selling birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates. These companies charge customers high fees to “process” or “help apply” for certificates issued from the Oregon Center for Health Statistics.

For the fastest service, without high fees, we encourage customers to order certified copies only from the Oregon Center for Health Statistics, your local Oregon county health department, or through our contracted vendor VitalChek.

If you have ordered through one of these third-party companies and would like to file a consumer complaint, contact the Oregon Department of Justice Consumer Protection or call 1-877-877-9392.

     Checklist to Order a Marriage Certificate

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    Be at least 18 years Old.

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    Meet Eligibility Requirement to Receive the Certificate and, if Necessary, Provide Proof of Eligibility.
    See the following for information about what relationships are eligible to order marriage certificates and documentation that may be required. If you are not eligible, see the Notarized Permission to Pick up Certificate Form below this list. Additional documentation may be required.


    A person named on the certificate.

    If the name on your ID matches the name of one of the parties named on the certificate, nothing else is required. If not, you will be asked to submit documentation of a legal name change such as a court ordered name change or other legal documents where the names match.​


    If the name on your ID matches one of the parents named on the certificate, nothing else is required. If the certificate does not name any parents, a copy of your child’s birth certificate that names you as a parent and who is named as a party on the certificate you are requesting is required.


    You are not eligible unless you can prove eligibility as an Authorized Representative


    A copy of your child's birth certificate that names you as a parent and who is named as a parent on the certificate you are requesting is required.​ If the certificate does not name any parents​,​ a copy of your grandchild's birth certificate is also required.​​​​


    Biological or adopted.

    ​A copy of your birth certificate that names one of the parties as a parent is required. 


    A copy of your birth certificate AND a copy of your parent's birth certificate that names a party on the certificate you are requesting is required.


    A copy of your birth certificate that shows a shared parent with one of the parties is required.​

    Spouse / Registered Domestic Partner: 

    If the name on your ID matches the name of one of the parties named in the certificate, nothing else is required. If not, you may be asked to submit documentation of a legal name change such as a court ordered name change or other legal documents where the names match.​

    ​Legal Guardian:

    A valid copy of court guardianship papers naming you as legal guardian of the party is required.

    Legal Representative:

    “Legal representative" means a licensed attorney representing the decedent or other qualified applicant. ORS 432.005(21). 

    A valid copy of court records or legal documentation that authorizes you to act on behalf of a party named in the certificate or another eligible person OR a statement on company letterhead explaining who you represent and their relationship to the party is required.

    If you are representing another person, documents that prove their eligibility will also be required. 

    Authorized Representative:

    “Authorized representative" means an agent designated in a written statement signed by the decedent or ​other qualified applicant, the signing of which was witnessed. ORS 432.005(3).  

    Includes court-assigned estate administrators, trust fund administrators, and those with notarized permission from eligible parties. 

    A notarized document that authorizes you to act on behalf of a party named in the certificate or another eligible person is required. A standard permission form that can be notarized is accessible in English and Spanish and should accompany the order form.

    A Power of Attorney that authorizes you to act on behalf of a party named in the certificate or another eligible person is also acceptable. 

    If you are representing another person, documents that prove their eligibility will also be required. ​​​​​

    Government Agency:

    "Government agency" means a unit of federal, sta​te, local or tribal government. ORS 432.005(12). 

    An ID card issued by your government agency that contains your full name and photograph is required and either: 

    A letter from a government agency (on official letterhead) citing the agency's need for the certificate in order to conduct official duties,


    A valid copy of court records or legal documentation that authorizes you to act on behalf of a party named in the certificate or another eligible person. ​

    Other Family:

    Aunt/Uncle, Niece/Nephew, Cousin, Stepchild, Stepsibling.
    You are not eligible unless you can prove eligibility through another relationship listed above such as an Authorized Representative

    Other Relationships:

    Ex-spouse, ex- or un-registered domestic partner, romantic partner, fiancée, common-law spouse. 

    You are not eligible unless you can prove eligibility through another relationship​ listed above such as an Authorized Representative

    ​A Notarized Permission to Pick up Certificate Form allows someone who is eligible to receive a vital record certificate to grant permission to order or pick up a certificate for someone who is not eligible.


    The form requires notarized permission and the notarized​ permission form can only be used once within a year of being signed. 

    This form is available in English and Spanish and should accompany the order form.​

    ​If submitting your order online or by phone, you will use your date of birth and name to generate a quiz to screen your identity. If you fail the identity check, you must provide a copy of acceptable proof of ID.​ 

    If submitting your order in person, you will use your date of birth and name to generate a quiz to screen your identity. You must provide acceptable proof of ID when receiving your order.

    ​​Acceptable Proof of ID​

    ​If submitting your order by mail or drop box, provide a copy of acceptable proof of ID with your order form.


    • Words must be legible and photo must be clear.

    • Expired documents are not acceptable.

    Any ​ONE ​of the following documents are acceptable:

    1. ​Current, valid driver's license, permit, or ID card.

    2. Current, valid passport or passport card with photo.

    3. Tribal Membership or ID card with photo and address  ​(without photo accepted as one of three pieces of ID).
    4. US Armed Services ID Card with photo.

    5. Current student body card with name and photo (high school students only).

    6. Consulate Card (Matrícula Consular) with photo and address.

    7. Citizen ID with photo.

    8. Permanent Resident Card with photo.

    9. State or federal government ID badge with photo.


    Any THREE of the following documents, as long as at least one shows your current​ address:

    1. ​​Selective Service Card or military discharge paper (must be original).

    2. US Immigration or naturalization papers.

    3. Concealed weapon permit with photo.

    4. Official papers issued by courts of record which include date of birth.

    5. Official corrections department or parole papers showing date of birth and full name.

    6. Vehicle registration or title.

    7. Personalized check or savings account passbook.

    8. Monthly banking or mortgage account statement (Document must be no more than 30 days old).

    9. Pistol or firearms permit.

    10. State hunting or fishing license.

    11. Recent utility or other bill with current address (Document must be no more than 30 days old).

    12. Recent paycheck stub or paycheck (official company type only). (Document must be no more than 30 days old.)

    13. Company identification card.

    14. Voter registration card issued by a county elections department.

    15. Valid food stamp, welfare, or unemployment identification.

    16. Medical or hospital insurance card.

    17. Tax statements – W-2 forms, etc.

    18. Auto insurance policy.

    19. Union membership card.

    20. Rental Agreement that displays the rental property header/logo, is the current property of ​​​residence, is signed by the property manager, and shows that ID verification has taken place.​

    If​ there are differences between information provided and information on the record, or questions about the validity of any document, staff are authorized to request additional information or documents.

    A printable version of the identifying documents list is available in both ​​English and Spanish.

    ​I​nformation about persons listed on marriage record

    • Full names of spouses/partners listed on the record

    • Date of marriage or time period to search (If you do not know the exact date, a search span of five years is included as part of the initial fee, covering the given year, two years before, and two years after that year).

    • County that issued the marriage license

    • Place where marriage occurred (city or county) 

    Information about you as the applicant (person ordering the record)


    • Your relationship to the person named on the record (Choose "Self" if you are ordering for yourself)

    • Your reason for ordering the certificate

    • Your name and mailing address

    • Your contact information (daytime telephone number and/or email) 

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    Complete the Order
    (See specific order methods below for information on how to order including links and order forms.)
    • Online
    • By Phone
    • By Mail In or Drop Box
    • In Person

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    Pay Fee(s)
    (See “Ways to Order a Certificate" below.)

62 px Ways to Order a Certificate

Select an Order option below and open the drop menu for more information, forms and payment instructions.

​​You ​can order on the web at
www.vitalchek.comat any time.


$25.00 Initial record search fee and first certificate

$  7.00 Expedite fee

$15.50 VitalChek vendor fee and security fee for applicant ​I​​D ​​verification and review.

$47.50 Total nonrefundable fee for the first certificate ​

Additional Fee:

$20.00 UPS Next Day Air (USA excluding AK, HI, and PR). Other locations have additional fees.

    • ​​​Default selection when ordering

    • Must be available to sign for the certificate(s) if you choose this option

    • Does not guarantee immediate delivery. We may need additional documentation before releasing a record.​

$25.00 for each additional certificate ordered

If the date of event is unknown for death, marriage or divorce records, $25.00 covers a five-year search. Those five years include the year of the given date, two years before the given date, and two years following the given date. Add $1.00 per year if more than 5 years needs to be searched, unless the record is more than 50 years old.

Once a search for a record has been started, orders cannot be cancelled, and fees cannot be refunded.​


All major credit or debit cards. Most prepaid debit cards accepted. Government issued benefit cards are not accepted.

Processing Time:​

Typically processed within three workdays (Monday through Friday). VitalChek will forward orders​ to Oregon Vital Records within 24 hours for processing after all the information is provided and any documentation requirements are complete.

The following may cause delays with processing the order:

  • Inaccurate information was submitted on the application

  • Inaccurate or incomplete eligibility documents were provided

  • The applicant who submitted the order is not eligible

  • ​An amendment on the record is being processed

  • The record is not on file

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.

Once the order has been processed, it will then be shipped to the customer.


When ordering through​, your shipping method defaults to UPS Next Day Air, which is an additional $20 fee. If your request is to be delivered by UPS Next Day Air, you must be available to sign for the certificate(s).


To request shipping by regular mail (United States Post Office), you may click the small down arrow on the shipping method box and choose the regular Mail option. This box appears on the page where you enter your home and shipping address.

At any point before finalizing your order, you may click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to return to this page and change this setting. 

If you have questions regarding delivery times or costs, please call VitalChek at 1-888-896-4988.

Other Vendors on the Internet:

The Oregon Vital Records office has no agreements with any vendors​ except the VitalChek Network.

If you use another vendor on the Internet, you will pay additional fees without receiving fast and efficient processing of you certificate request. We have no control over what fees other web vendors charge, nor can we guarantee the confidentiality of any vital record data provided to them.​


Place your order by calling VitalChek at 1-888-896-4988 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 



$25.00 Initial record search fee and first certificate

​$  7.00 Expedite fee

$17.20​ VitalChek vendor fee and security fee for applicant ID verification and review.

$49.20 Total nonrefundable fee for the first certificate

Additional fees:

$20.00 UPS Next Day Air (USA excluding AK, HI, and PR) Other locations have additional fees. 

    • Default selection when ordering 

    • Must be available to sign for the certificate(s) if you choose this option. 

    • Does not guarantee immediate delivery. We may need additional documentation before releasing a record.

$25.00 for each addition certificate ordered

If the date of event is unknown for death, marriage or divorce records, $25.00 covers a five-year search. Those five years include the year of the given date, two years before the given date, and two years following the given date. Add $1.00 per year if more than 5 years needs to be searched, unless the record is more than 50 years old.​

Once a search for a record has been started, orders cannot be cancelled, and fees cannot be refunded.



All major credit or debit cards. Most prepaid debit cards accepted. Government issued benefit cards are not accepted.

Processing Time:​

Typically processed within three workdays (Monday through Friday). VitalChek will forward orders​ to Oregon Vital Records within 24 hours for processing after all the information is provided and any documentation requirements are complete.

The following may cause delays with processing the order:

  • Inaccurate information was submitted on the application

  • Inaccurate or incomplete eligibility documents were provided

  • The applicant who submitted the order is not eligible

  • An amendment on the record is being processed

  • The record is not on file

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.


Once the order has been processed, it will then be shipped to the customer. 


You have the option to ship your certificate(s) by regular mail with the United States Postal Service (USPS) or with UPS Next Day Air. If you select UPS Next Day Air, you must be available to sign for the certificate(s).

If you have questions regarding delivery times or costs​, please call VitalChek at 1-888-896-4988.

Mail in



$25.00 Initial nonrefundable record search fee and first certificate

Additional Fees:

$25.00 for each additional certificate ordered

If the date of event is unknown for death, marriage or divorce records, $25.00 covers a five-year search. Those five years include the year of the given date, two years before the given date, and two years following the given date. Add $1.00 per year if more than 5 years needs to be searched, unless the record is more than 50 years old.​

Once a search for a record has been started, ore4rs cannot be cancelled, and fees cannot be refunded.


No cash. Make payment by money order or check. 

Make Payment out to:

OHA/Vital Records

Please do not staple any documents or payments to the order form.

Send your signed order form(s), fees, copy of ID and any other necessary documents to:

Oregon Vital Records

PO Box 14050
Portland OR 97293

Processing Time:

Please allow approximately 8 - 10 weeks processing time for all ordres from the date the order is received in our offive. Materials are collected from the drop box Monday - Friday.

The following may cause delays with processing the order:

  • ​Inaccurate information was submitted on the application 

  • Inaccurate or incomplete eligibility documents were provided

  • The applicant who submitted the order is not eligible

  • An amendment on the record is bring processed

  • The record is not on file

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.

Once the order has been processed, it will then be shipped to the customer. Corrections​ or amendments to records will add add6itional time for processing.


Certificate orders placed by mail are shipped by regular mail with the Unites States Postal Service (USPS).

If you need the certificate(s) shipped in a way other than USPS, enclose a pre-addressed, pre-paid delivery envelope.​​

Drop Box


$25.00 Initial nonrefundable record search fee and first certificate

Additional Fees:

$25.00 for each additional certificate ordered.

If the date of event is unknown for death, marriage or divorce records, $25.00 covers a five-year search. Those five years include the year of the given date, two years before the given date, and two years following the given date. Add $1.00 per year if more than 5 years needs to be searched, unless the record is more than 50 years old.

Once a search for a record has been started, orders cannot be cancelled, and fees cannot be refunded. 



No cash. Make payment by money order or check.

Make payment out to:

OHA/Vital Records

Please do not staple any documents or payments to the order from.

Location of Drop Box:

Oregon Vital Records
800 NE Oregon Street

Portland OR 97232

Located at the entrance by the west door (located in the parking lot).

Drop Box.png

Directions to the Vital Records

Processing Time:

Please allow approximately 8 - 10 weeks processing time for all orders from the date the order is received in our office. Materials​​ are collected from the drop box Monday - Friday. 

The following may cause delays with processing the order:

  • Inaccurate information was submitted on the application

  • Inaccurate or incomplete eligibility documents were provided

  • The applicant who submitted the order is not eligible

  • An amendment on the record is being processed

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.

Once the order has been processed, it will then be shipped to the customer.


Certificate orders placed by mail are shipped by regular mail with the Unites States Postal Service (USPS).

If you need the certificate(s) shipped in a way other than by USPS, enclose a pre-addressed, pre-paid delivery envelope.

Informational Slides / Videos about the Vital Records Drop Box:

Register for an Appointment to Order Your Certificate(s) In-Person:

Appointments are 30 minutes in length and are available from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with the last appointment starting at 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Appointments are for ordering certificates only.

Click Here to Schedule an In-Person Appointment

No amendments can be made at an In-Person appointment.


$25.00 Initial Record Search Fee and first certificate

$ 3.00 Identity Authentication fee

$28.00 Total nonrefundable fee for the first certificate

Additional Fees:

$25.00 for each additional certificate ordered.

If the date of event is unknown for death, marriage or divorce records, $25.00 covers a five-year search. Those five years include the year of the given date, two years before the given date, and two years following the given date. Add $1.00 per year if more than 5 Years needs to be searched, unless the record is more than 50 years old.

Once a search for record has been started, orders cannot be cancelled, and the fees cannot be refunded.


Payment can be made by credit card, debit card, cash or money order. If a person or business check is used, it must be accepted by the Electronic Funds Transfer software (EFT). 

A credit union ATM is available on the first floor in the building.


Portland State Office Building

800 NE Oregon Street

Portland, Oregon 97232

Those who have scheduled an appointment should check in ten minutes early in the lobby of the first floor. Driving Directions.


Street and lot parking for the immediate area are pay per hour parking

Processing Time:

Appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes. Customers will enter their order at a self-service kiosk.

Some full image records will not be available the same day but will be mailed or made available for pick up the next working day.

If something additional is needed from you, we will reach out to you by mail or secure email. Please check your junk email folder. If you haven't received your order within the allotted timeline listed in the order options, please contact us at 971-673-1190 for assistance.


Vital Records Amendments counter is closed, there are no In-Person amendments being processed while you wait. 

Those ordering must show a valid photo ID or alternative identifying documents as well as any required documentation to prove eligibility. If you cannot provide information or documents, we recommend that you have another eligible family member order your record for you. 

The person who comes to the office to order the record must be eligible to order. (See above if their are questions about eligibility.)

Click Here to Schedule an In-Person Appointme​nt​

    Additional Sources for Vital Records

    ​Some vital records that have become public records are available as uncertified copies from the Oregon State Archives in Salem for a small fee.​

    Oregon State Archives

    800 Summer Street NE,​

    Salem, Oregon 97310 

    (503) 373-0701

    Many countries require proof of the validity of Oregon birth, death, marriage and divorce records. To get a document authenticated, also known as an apostille, you must first get a certified copy of the record.

    Birth or death certificates are available from the Oregon Center for Health Statistics or the Oregon county where the event took place. The certificate must be an original certified copy and cannot be a photocopy.

    Original certified copies of marriage or dissolution of marriage (divorce) or dissolution of Oregon Registered Domestic Partnership are available from the Oregon Center for Health Statistics.

    Once you have the certificate, it must then be sent to the Oregon Secretary of State/Corporate Division for authentication. See their website for more information about the rest of the authentication process including order forms and fees. 

    ​The Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division has adopted rule OAR 333-011-0338 relating to fees for vital records. It is intended to relieve the burden of certain fees for copies of and searches for vital records for Oregonians who have experienced loss of property or life due to or associated with a state or federal emergency declaration.

    The Center for Health Statistics Vital Records office may provide up to three (3) certified copies of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, domestic partnership or dissolution of domestic partnership record with a zero fee to eligible requests in connection with a state or federal emergency declaration.

    Applicants must state the reason for ordering the record(s) as “Emergency Declaration" to qualify for the zero fee.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Updated November 1, 2021

    Printable version in English and Spanish

    What does this mean?

    The Center for Health Statistics Vital Records office may provide up to three (3) certified copies of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, domestic partnership or dissolution of domestic partnership record with a zero fee to eligible requests in connection with a state or federal emergency declaration.


    Oregon State County Vital Records offices, within the first 6 months of an event, may provide up to three (3) certified copies of death or birth records with a zero fee to eligible requests in connection with a state or federal emergency declaration.

    When does the rule go into effect?

    The rule is effective on November 1, 2021 and applies to records requests received on and after June 1, 2021.

    Where can I find a list of qualifying Emergency Declarations?

    A list of Oregon Emergency Declarations can be found here:

    How do individuals get certificates free of charge?

    To be eligible, individuals must have experienced loss of property or life due to or associated with a state or federal emergency declaration. When ordering certified copies of vital records, the person ordering the certificates must state the reason for ordering the record(s) as “Emergency Declaration."

    What happens if I order by mail or place an order in the Drop Box?

    Complete and sign the order form. Include your valid identification. State on the order form the reason for needing the record as “Emergency Declaration." It is important that this information is noted on the order, so our office is aware that a fee is not included. We may request additional documentation if it appears the request for records is not in connection with an emergency declaration.

    What happens if I order over the internet or by phone?

    If you are ordering via the internet or phone, the certificate fee will be $0.00. However, the expedite fee and vendor fee will still apply to the order. When completing the order, state the reason for needing the record as “Emergency Declaration." It is important that this information is noted on the order, so the certificate qualifies for the zero fee. We may request additional documentation if it appears the request for records is not in connection with an emergency declaration.

    Are other fees for vital records being charged?

    Yes, all other fees such as expediting a request for an order or amending a record will still be charged. 

    Is the certificate fee not being charged for all orders for certified copies?

    No. This is only for certified copies of vital records in connection with a state or federal emergency declaration. The person requesting the certified copies must state that the reason they need the record is “Emergency Declaration." We may request additional documentation for requests for records not in connection with an emergency declaration.

    Is identification still required?

    Yes. Identification is required by law for all requests for vital records when submitting your order.

    Can anyone get certified copies with zero fees?

    No. Only individuals eligible to receive the requested vital records as outlined in law can order the certificates. Only those who experienced loss of property or life due to a state or federal emergency declaration are eligible to get the certificates with a zero fee charge.

    How many certified copies can I get for the zero fee?

    Eligible orders may receive up to three (3) certified copies of each type of record (birth, death, marriage, divorce, domestic partnership or dissolution of domestic partnership record). Make sure to specify how many certificates you want when ordering.

    If I order one death record, one birth record, and one marriage record, does this count as the three zero fee certificates?

    You can get three certified copies of each record type at the time of ordering. In this scenario, you can get two more certificates of each record type with a zero fee charge. You will need to submit an order for each type of record. The person ordering must be eligible to order the record, state the reason for needing the record as “Emergency Declaration."

    Do I have to order them at the same time?

    No. You can get up to three (3) zero fee certified copies of any record if the records are ordered in connection with a state or federal emergency declaration.

    Does this apply to marriage and divorce records issued by the County Clerks and Circuit Courts?

    No. This only applies to certified copies of marriage and divorce records issued from the State Vital Records office.

    Where can I get more information?

    For more information on how to order a vital record go to: or call 971-673-1190. 

    ​Legality of Documents

    Determining if Your Record is Valid and Acceptable for Legal Purposes

    All certified birth, death, marriage, divorce and Oregon registered domestic partnership certificates currently being issued by the Oregon Vital Records Office are printed on intaglio banknote paper with the seal of the State of Oregon in the lower left corner and the seal of the Oregon Health Authority/Public Health Division in the lower right corner.

    The border and Oregon seal should have a perceptible "rough" feel to it. Any erasures or additions to the record invalidate it. Because any document that has been photocopied could be altered and then recopied to disguise changes, a copy you make on plain paper will not be accepted by state and federal agencies as a legal document.

    In the past, certified copies have been made on a wide variety of paper types. All of the older types of certified copies can be identified by the raised, notary-type seal. If you have a photocopy and cannot feel the raised seal, most agencies will not accept it as a certified copy since they cannot tell whether the document has been altered.


    Birth Cards

    Oregon no longer issues birth cards. Birth cards only list the registrant’s name, date of birth, place of birth and certificate number.
    Many agencies will not accept them as proof of identity, because they do not include parent names and the cards do not include all the security features found on certificates.

    Other Documents That Most Federal and State Agencies Will Not Accept:

    • Bureau of the Census – Notice of Birth Registration

    • County issued document titled “Birth Abstract” (no longer issued)

    • County issued document titled “Death Abstract”​

    ​Order information for other states is available from Center for Disease Control and Prevention​​ including:

    • Addresses for State Vital Record Offices

    • Phone numbers for Vital Record Offices

    • Links to other state and county vital record websites​​

    If you were​ born in another country to parents who are U.S. citizens, or if a U.S. citizen died or was married abroad prior to 1987, you may obtain consular reports documenting these events from the U.S. Department of State. For ordering information visit the Bureau of Consular Affairs website​.

    The Bureau of Consular Affairs also provides address lists of foreign consular offices​ in the United States. These offices may provide help if you are not a U.S. citizen and need assistance in ordering a vital record from another country.​

    Information on Getting Married in Oregon

    To get married in Oregon, a person must meet these requirements:

    • Must be 18 years old. (Those who are 17 may get a marriage license with a signed consent form from either a parent or guardian. Parent or guardian must be present when the license is purchased.)

    • Cannot be currently married.

    • Cannot be in a registered domestic partnership with anyone other than the person they wish to marry.

    • Cannot be first cousins or any nearer of kin to the person they wish to marry.​

    • For more information see, ORS 106​

    ​To get married in Oregon, couples must apply for a marriage license at any county clerk’s office. Most counties prefer that you complete the marriage license application online. They can also provide you a paper application upon request. Visit this website that lists Oregon’s counties, search for the county clerk department, and then look for marriage licenses.

    A couple does not need to hold their ceremony in the county in which they obtain their license, but they do need to get married in Oregon. The fees and process may vary from county to county. Please read the guidelines carefully and pay attention to the deadlines, as the license does have a time limit.

    ​The following documents provide guidance to couples, county clerks, and officiants when filing the Oregon Application, License, and Record of Marriage Forms.

    ​The term “marriage certificate" can be easily confused for two different types of documents: the Commemorative Marriage Certificate and the Certified Record of Marriage.

    ​​Commemorative Marriage Certificate:

    This certificate is only provided by counties and is given to the couple married or the officiant of the ceremony.

    It is a decorative certificate meant for display. It is NOT a legal document. Completed by hand, there are no spaces for ​you or the officiant to record the names of the bride/spouse and groom/spouse, date and location of the ceremony, name of the officiant, names of the witnesses, date of the marriage license, and name of the county clerk who issued the license.


    Certified Record of Marriage:

    This is a copy of the Application, License, and Record of Marriage form that was submitted after the ceremony.

    Many counties offer certified copies immediately or shortly after the final paperwork is submitted to the county clerk's office. 


    This certificate can be used as proof of marriage for most situations but may not be accepted by all organizations (for example, Certified Records of Marriage from the county are not sufficient for U.S. passport applications).


    Oregon Vital Records issues an official certified copy of the marriage record. 


    This certificate has a state file number and is printed on special security paper. It may take several weeks for a couple's information to be fully registered with the State, so typically, an official marriage certificate is not available from Oregon Vital Records for approximately one month from the date the paperwork was submitted to the county.


    To order a certified record of marriage from Oregon Vital Records, follow the checklist at the top of this web page.​

    Certified No Record of Marriage / Single Status Letter

    Other countries may require a Certified No Record of Marriage letter (also called a single status letter) from individuals who wish to marry abroad. This document may be ordered by a person wishing to prove that they are not currently married in Oregon. It may also be ordered by another eligible party such as a family member. (See #1 “Meet Eligibility Requirement to Receive the Certificate and, if Necessary, Provide Proof of Eligibility" in the Checklist near the top of this page).

    It is important to research the requirements for the country where you will be getting married. They may just need proof that you are not currently married, or may require proof of your marriage status for every year after a certain age such as your eighteenth birthday. If applicants have ever been married, they may need to provide marriage and divorce certificates in addition to the Certified No Record of Marriage / Single Status Letter. They may also require a birth certificate for each party.

    The country that requires this documentation may require that it be authenticated. To get a document authenticated, also known as an apostille, it must be sent to the Oregon Secretary of State/Corporate Division. See their website for more information about the rest of the authentication process including order forms and fees.​​

    ​To request a Certified No Record of Marriage letter, complete the application for a marriage record and state the reason as “Certified No Record of Marriage."

    The following fields on the application need to be completed:

    • Full name of person for whom the No Record of Marriage search is being completed.

    • Their date of birth.

    • Where the date of marriage is requested include the time period you want to have searched.

      • ​​​​For most cases, applicants list the present date to prove their single status. Our office will search a five-year period for the basic record fee. If you need more than five years searched, there is a charge of $1.00 for every additional year requested.

    You will need to submit the same items that are required to prove eligibility for ordering a marriage record. 


    Ways to Order:

    Mail/Drop Box:



    • Call VitalChek 1-888-896-4988 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week except for major holidays)

    • Request a Marriage Record with a reason of “No Record of Marriage"

    • $44.95 for a five-year search 

    • +$1.00 for every additional year requested

    ​​​In Person

    • Select Marriage Record with a reason of “No Record of Marriage"

    • $28.00 for a five-year search 

    • +$1.00 for every additional year requested

    See the “Ways to Order a Certificate" in the above web page for more information including a breakdown of the cost, shipping information, and processing times.