More About Us
Babies First! is Oregon's public health nurse home visiting program for pregnant women and children ages 0 through 4 years and their caregivers with health and social histories that put them at risk for poor health and development outcomes.
Our Vision
Every family in Oregon who wants and needs a public health home visitor has access to one. Families served by Babies First! feel that their unique needs are being met and that they are supported in living healthful lives. By helping families thrive, we are supporting the well-being of our communities.
Our Mission
The Babies First! Program is a relationship and strength-based public health nurse (PHN) home visiting program that partners with families to improve pregnancy, family and child health outcomes, and to connect to quality health care and the community supports they deserve.
Our Goal
The goal of Babies First! is to promote health and well-being during pregnancy, infancy and early childhood through prevention and early identification of problems.