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OHP covers behavioral health services. These are services to treat substance use, problem gambling and mental health disorders. You do not need a referral from your primary care provider to get treatment.
This includes:
You do not need a referral to get help for problems with alcohol or drugs.
Outpatient and residential treatment
Some of the covered outpatient and residential treatment services are:
A 24-hour care facility provides residential treatment for addiction. A residential facility can treat both adults and youth. Some facilities allow parents to bring their young children with them. Ask your CCO about treatment programs.
Covered medications
Covered medications include:
Other medication services that help you cut down or stop using alcohol or drugs.
Home- and Community-Based Services
Behavioral health in-home services to support independent living:
Learn more about home- and community-based services.
Children, youth and family supports
These include applied behavior analysis, intensive in-home behavioral health treatment and family support services.
Wraparound services involve a team approach to services that help children birth up to age 18 meet their behavioral health needs.
To get wraparound services, call your child's CCO.
Peer-delivered services
Peer-delivered services are services from a peer support specialist or peer wellness specialist. These are people who have lived through some of the same things you have. They can:
Addiction services
Adult mental health services
Child and family behavioral health
Community mental health programs
Rules about covered services:
OHP contacts
OHP handbooks
Words to know
We want to make sure you have the information you need.
Talk to your CCO
Not in a CCO? Call 1-800-273-0557 or
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