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Oregon Health Authority

Intensive In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment


​The 2019 Oregon Legislature approved $6.6M in general funds to expand the existing continuum of care for children. This expansion includes an intensive community-based alternative to residential treatment and inpatient hospitalization. 

The IIBHT benefit will be available to Oregon Health Plan members not enrolled with a coordinated care organization (CCO) starting July 2020. CCOs will cover the IIBHT benefit starting Jan. 1, 2021. 

The Oregon Administrative Rules for IIBHT are in 309-019-0167, 410-172-0650 and 410-172-0695​.  ​

OHA added IIBHT as a level of care for children through age 20. This level of care addresses several gaps in the children's mental health service array. For children and families who need more support and services than traditional outpatient services provide, IIBHT care:

  • Can provide 4-6 hours of intensive, in-home services per week.
  • Offers an array of services. Services include psychiatric services, mental health therapy, care coordination, skills training and peer support services. 
  • Reduces in out-of-home placements for children including residential treatment and inpatient hospitalizations.
  • Is available to children living in a variety of settings in the community. Children can access IIBHT while living in foster care, group homes, shelter care and behavior rehabilitation services while preserving their existing placement in the community​.
  • Is also available to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. ​

IIBHT services are tailored to meet the individual needs of the child and family. They include access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals and 24/7 proactive and crisis response to the home. ​ IIBHT providers will:

  • Meet with the child and family within 3 days of being referred to the program.  This is to assess the needs and collaboratively develop a treatment plan.
  • Meet monthly with the child and family. This is to review progress, update treatment goals and safety plans. 

Enrollment in IIBHT is not time-limited. Instead, enrollment is based on the individual needs of the child and their family. ​

Oregon Health & Science University will:

  • Work with IIBHT providers to collect outcome data for children enrolled in services, and
  • Analyze the data to demonstrate program effectiveness and inform quality performance activities. 

The Ohio Scale and Hope Scale will both be used to gather information directly from the child and family. Data will be collected at both the start and end of the program. ​

View the ​IIBHT 2022 Annual Report 
View the IIBHT 2023 Annual Report​

Visit​ for available trainings and registration information.

Available trai​nings

  • IIBHT Foundations: The pre-requisite training for all other IIBHT trainings. Includes history of IIBHT, an overview of the model and team members, best practices in service delivery, and an overview of quality improvement and professional development.
  • IIBHT REDCap Data System: A required training for all data collection and entry staff. Includes an overview of the data collection measures and a step-by-step REDCap tutorial.
  • 201 – Clinician Specific Training: An in-depth training on the clinical requirements for IIBHT. Includes a detailed look at the IIBHT clinician workflow, evidence-based therapeutic interventions, and best practices for special populations and cross-systems collaboration. Also includes psychiatry role on the team and all information specific to clinical supervision.  
  • 201 – Peer & Skills Trainer Specific Training: An in-depth look at the roles filled by family and youth/young adult peer service providers and skills trainers, as applied in the IIBHT program. Includes working on cross-disciplinary teams that have a strong clinical focus and provides information for QMHA level providers on the IIBHT team.  
  • 201 – Leadership/Supervision: In-depth review of supervision for all roles on the IIBHT team; this brief training is designed as an add-on to the 201 role-specific trainings and supervisors are expected to attend both.

Becoming an IIBHT Provider

If you are interested in becoming a provider for this new program, please contact OHA's Licensing and Certification Unit for behavioral health programs.

Webinars and Learning Collaboratives

IIBHT Learning Collaboratives are held the first and third Fridays of the month, from 9 to 10 a.m. Pacific Time. 

Family Support Specialist Learning Collaborative for IIBHT/MRSS
  • First Tuesday of the Month from 8:45am-10:00am
  • Join the meeting
  • Meeting password: ycFX56np2Sp


Evolution of the System of Care Approach
IIBHT 2022 Annual Report
IIBHT Comparison Chart
IIBHT Frequently Asked Questions
IIBHT-Demonstration Site Project Memo
Learning Collaborative September 2020 Memo
NASMHPD IIBHT Presentation 10-15-19
Outcome Measure Hope Scale Youth
Outcome Measure Ohio Scale Parent
U of WA Developing Practice Standards Webinar Slides
U of WA Program and Practice Standards
WA Program and Practice Standards

Keep Informed

If you would like regular updates on IIBHT and future partner engagement events, please sign up to get OHA Behavioral Health Updates.


Page Info

Beth Holliman
Intensive Community-Based Services Coordinator​
Contact for questions or concerns about IIBHT or MRSS. For assistance with IIBHT referrals, contact the CCO or provider directly

Summer Hunker
Children’s Behavioral Health Systems Coordinator​
