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Oregon Health Authority

Training Opportunities

On-Demand Resources

On September 8, 2023, the Youth & Young Adult Substance Use Prevention and Recovery Symposium was held in person at the University of Oregon. The symposium was led by CFBH’s Youth Young Adult Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Program Policy Coordinator, Bernardino De La Torre. The event was presented with the support of Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon (MHACBO).  

The symposium was a recommendation of the Youth and Young Adult Substance Use Disorder Collaborative, which had reconvened in 2021 to bring youth with lived experience, providers, and funders together to discuss priorities for youth SUD treatment. One of the Collaborative’s priorities was a yearly conference with content decided by a SUD steering committee. The steering committee is community led and focuses on improving the system of care through prevention, recovery training and workforce development. Through the participation of schools, peer mentors, prevention specialists and the community, the symposium featured presentations on supporting prevention of substance misuse in schools and supporting adolescents in early recovery via the recovery high school model. There were also panel discussions with multicultural recovery mentors and the state opioid response. 
Follow this link to watch a recording of the symposium. See below for a list of speakers, presenters, their topic and any accompanying slides. 

  • Ebony S. Clarke, Director OHA Behavioral Health 9:10-9:30 a.m. 
  • Annaliese Dolph, Director Alcohol Drug Policy Commission 9:30-9:50 a.m. Follow this link for slides.
  • Sharon Dursi Martin Supporting Adolescents in Early Recovery: the Recovery High School Model 10-10:40 a.m. Follow this link for slides.
  • Dr. Sean Austin Supporting Substance Misuse Prevention in Schools 11-11:40 a.m. Follow this link for slides.​
  • Rep. Travis Nelson District 44 Video Guest Speaker  
  • Tony Vezina 4D Recovery Mentors Panel Discussion 12:50-1:30 p.m. Follow this link for slides.
  • Odelia Garcia Multicultural Recovery Mentors Panel Discussion 1:35-2:15 p.m. 
  • Jill Baker and Shanda Hochstetler (OHA-CFBH) Intersections between Youth Suicide & Substance Use 2:30-3:10 p.m. Follow this link for slides.
  • Dr. John Mcilveen, Ashley Q. Jones and Kelsey Smith-Payne (OHA) State Opioid Response Updates Panel Discussion 3:25-4:05 p.m. Follow this link for slides.​
  • Closing Statements 4:20-4:30 p.m. 

Eating disorders frequently develop during childhood, adolescence and during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Children and youth benefit from screening for eating disorders for early detection and to identify those at risk of developing these disorders. The earlier an eating disorder and associated behaviors are recognized, diagnosed, and effectively treated, the better the long-term outcomes. Follow this link​ for more information on eating disorder trends for young people, infancy through age 25.

Effective eating disorder treatment is delivered by a multidisciplinary team composed of behavioral health/mental health providers, nutrition therapy providers and medical providers. Treatment consists of stabilizing the individual's medical and nutritional needs while providing mental health therapies. Use of family and youth peer support services is also encouraged when appropriate in the treatment cycle.

We are pleased to provide this training, funded by Mental Health Block Grant dollars, to impart essential knowledge about eating disorders and to increase the number of skilled providers in the behavioral health workforce. Sessions are noon to 1:15 p.m. and include a 15-minute question and answer session. Unless otherwise noted, each session is eligible for 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Registration is required to earn CEUs for each session.

Regional Help and Resources​ for eating disorder treatment

June 8: Therese S. Waterhous, PhD, RDN, FAED (she/her)

Therese has worked within the eating disorder community for 15 years. She started as an advocate and in 2009 opened Willamette Nutrition Source, LLC, a private practice devoted to eating disorder treatment and education. She is a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals, and in each organization has served on numerous committees, given many presentations, and authored many written pieces for various publications. Locally, she has trained many health care professionals.

July 13: "Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Groups," Whitney Trotter, RDN, RN (she/her)

Whitney is dually licensed as a registered dietitian and nurse and is also a yoga instructor. Whitney has more than 10 years of experience working as a registered dietitian serving the HIV/AIDS community, in addition to working in the eating disorder field. Whitney's career in the eating disorder field includes being a former nutrition and nursing director of a Residential, PHP, and IOP center. Whitney also previously worked at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center as a pediatric emergency room nurse. In addition to her RN and RDN work. Whitney is also the owner/founder of Bluff City Health, a private practice specializing in bridging the gap in the eating disorder field of equitable care and social justice. 

August 10:  “Next Steps After Screening and Diagnosis: Effective Treatment Concepts & Levels of Care," Dr.​ Therese Waterhous

September 21: “Measurement Tools, Involving Supportive Others & How to Talk to a Person you Think May Have an Eating Disorder," Dr. Therese Waterhous
October 12: “Working with LGBTQIA+ Clients," ​Melissa Grossman, MS, LPC  (she/her​
Melissa has been a licensed therapist working with eating disorders for 32 years. She has had private practices in Corvallis, Portland and San Francisco and acted as the clinical director of an outpatient eating disorder and substance abuse program in San Francisco for 10 years. She works with adolescents, their families and adult clients and specializes in eating disorders, addiction, trauma and issues relevant to people who identify as LGBTQIA+.​
November 16: “Doing the Work: How Clinicians Can Be of Best Service to Our Clients," Melissa Grossman
​December 7: “Impacts of Weight Stigma, Weight Bias & the Food System," Dr. Therese Waterhous​​

This series is ongoing - to register for future sessions, follow the links on this flyer​

This training series aims to raise awareness of eating disorders within our communities, fostering earlier recognition and treatment. It is designed for therapists, dietitians, healthcare providers, and school counselors, but is also open to parents, family members, teachers, community health workers and anyone interested in learning more. Participants will gain the knowledge to describe eating disorders based on current research, use validated screening tools, identify signs and symptoms, understand effective treatment methods and make appropriate referrals.  ​

01.29.25 Eating Disorder Treatment Lecture 1: What are Eating Disorders?  — Therese S. Waterhous, PhD, RDN, CED-S, FAED

Therese S. Waterhous PhD, RDN, CEDS-S, FAED is an eating disorder specialist in private practice in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. While no longer seeing patients, Therese remains active in teaching and training other health care professionals about eating disorders and advocating for those with eating disorders. As an advocate for those with eating disorders, Therese was one of the founding board members for the international non-profit advocacy group FEAST-ED (Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders). She delivers many local talks to various groups, educating them about eating disorders. In 2016-2017, she received and executed work on a grant from the local Coordinated Care Organization to train other health care professionals about eating disorder evaluation and treatment and extend eating disorder treatment to underserved Oregonian’s. In 2021-2022, she developed a state training for the Oregon Health Authority and is currently working on updating that training. In the past, Therese served on the Oregon IAEDP (International Assn. for Eating Disorders Professionals) chapter board. Therese served on the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) special interest group on Family Based Treatment, the AED Medical Care Standards Committee and the AED Experts by Experience Committee. Currently she serves AED on the Nutrition Task Force, the Clinical Standards of Care Committee, the Special Interest Groups Oversight Committee.​

Video recording - English 
Video recording - Spanish 

Materials: ​

02.12.25 Eating Disorder Treatment Lecture 2: Screening and Best Treatment for Eating Disorders Therese S. Waterhous and Charlotte Thomas, LCSW/LICSW

Charlotte Thomas is a Clinical Social Worker licensed to practice in California, New York, Oregon and Washington with more than fifteen years of experience in the field of psychotherapy. She is a Certified DBT Clinician™ through the Linehan Board of Certification. Charlotte is a graduate of Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University with a Masters in Social Work. Charlotte holds expertise in using Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy to treat individuals experiencing forms of anxiety, depression, trauma, substance abuse, and borderline personality disorder and with specialization in eating disorders. She is particularly passionate about working with complex, multi-diagnostic clients and those who have already attempted multiple treatment episodes without long-standing improvement. Charlotte is currently serving as Co-Chair of the DBT SIG (Special Interest Group) of the Academy of Eating Disorders. Charlotte uses a unique blend of radical genuineness, warmth, and empathy to help her therapy and consultation clients generate change and build towards a life worth living.

Video Recording - English

Video Recording - Spanish


02.26.25 Trauma informed care for eating disorders: Why, when, and how – Charlotte Thomas, LCSW/LICSW​

Video Recording – English 

Video Recording – Spanish 


Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a therapeutic intervention intended for children ages 2 through 6 years, and their parents. It is nationally recognized as one of the most effective treatments for young children experiencing significant social, emotional, or behavioral problems. 85% of Oregon families who participate in 4 or more PCIT therapy sessions demonstrate improvement in child behavior, positive communication and positive parenting skills. The average lengthen of treatment is 16 sessions, though PCIT is not time-limited.

In PCIT, caregivers are taught specific skills to establish or strengthen a nurturing and secure relationship with their child, while encouraging pro-social behavior and decreasing maladaptive behavior. Ideally, during coaching sessions, the therapist observes the interaction from behind a one-way mirror and provides guidance to the parent through a wireless communication system. PCIT services may be reimbursed by Medicaid or Commercial Insurance.

To watch recordings of previous PCIT Consortium Calls, choose one of the links below:

Jan. 25, 2023 – PCIT Adapted for Selective Mutism (PCIT-SM)
Presenter: Katherine Gibson, Psy.D., ABPP

Mar. 22, 2023 – It's ok to feel angry and it's not ok to hit: Guiding behavioral expressions of emotions in PCIT
Presenter: Amanda N'zi, PhD., Certified PCIT Regional Trainer

May 24, 2023 – Chronic Illness in Young Children: Implications for PCIT
Presenter: Dan Bagner, PhD., Certified PCIT International Global Trainer ​

July 25, 2023 – PCIT Coding Duels
Presenter: John Paul Abner, PhD., PCIT Global Trainer

Sept. 27, 2023 – New Insights into PCIT Engagement and Effectiveness with Child Welfare Involved Families
Presenter: Elizabeth Skowron, PhD., University of Oregon Family Biobehavioral Health Lab

Nov. 15, 2023 – PCIT Considerations for Children with Anxiety and OCD
Presenter: Allison Brandt, PhD., Portland Anxiety Clinic

Jan. 24, 2024 – DPICS in Color 
Presenters: Felipa Chavez, PhD., PCIT and TCIT Trainer
                  ​Melanie Fernandez, PhD., ABPP, PCIT Global Trainer
                  ​Rhea Chae, PhD., PCIT Global Trainer
​                  Erica Stapert, PhD., PCIT Within Agency Trainer

Presenter: Cherly B. McNeil, PhD. West Virginia University

More Training Events and Opportunities

​Nurtured Heart Approach

​Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) trainings will continue in October of 2024. NHA is strength-based paradigm for engaging youth, young adults and families. These trainings offer CEUs and are open to all.​

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Training for Trainers

​ASIST is a 2-day training program that teaches participants how to assist those at risk for Suicidal Thinking, Behavior, Attempts. Although many healthcare professionals use ASIST, anyone 16 years or older can use the approach, regardless of professional background.​

Collaborative Problem Solving for Oregon parents and caregivers

​Classes are 8-Weeks long and offered at no charge to participants who reside in Oregon. ​

Cultural Humility in Crisis Services

​Cultural Humility in Crisis Services presented by Uprise Collective and sponsored by CFBH is a six-session workshop that explores multiple ways of being, knowing, and existing in the world, how our culture impacts our sense of wellness, and strategies for centering youth and families in times of crisis. These trainings are open to all and provide CEU where applicable.​ Contact Brian Pitkin with questions or to be added to the wait-list for registration:​

Essential Foundation in Collaborative Problem Solving

​Essential Foundation in Collaborative Problem Solving, presented by Think Kids coming Fall of 2024.  The training is sponsored by CFBH and will be offering CEUs where applicable.  ​

Question Persuade Refer (QPR) Training for Trainers

This statewide initiative provides funding for training QPR trainers across Oregon who in turn will lead Education Service District (ESD) staff and Community Mental Health Providers (CMHPs) in learning evidence-based suicide prevention methods. 

Sources of Strength: Elementary Coaches training

Please visit the website or contact Darci Brown at​ for more information.

System of Care Learning Collaborative

Each second Tuesday of the month from 3 to 4:30 p.m., Oregon Family Support Network, Youth ERA and OHA facilitate a conversation for people involved with System of Care work.

Come with questions and a desire to learn and unlearn. Topics include how to develop skills that center youth and families, how to be culturally and linguistically responsive and how to ensure services and supports are community-based.​

Contact Hilary Harrison at​ for more details.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

​This free, OHA-sponsored training is a virtual, intermediate-level course designed for Oregon master’s level mental health professionals who work directly with children who have experienced trauma. The training includes up to 20 hours of training and up to one year of consultation with up to 13 Continuing Education Credits available for participants.

Participants are responsible for pre-training expenses of approximately $75 and post-training certification expenses. Training dates:

  • June 1 and 2, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.​
Uplift: Peer training for Oregon youth ages 14-19

​In this 4-day virtual experience, young people join a community of young people looking to make a difference. They’ll work with a team of certified mental health peer specialists to gain tools to support themselves and skills to support their friends.​

Youth Mental Health First Aid

​Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. ​

YouthSAVE Training for Primary Care Providers

​Youth SAVE is a virtual training designed to empower medical providers and behavioral health professionals to reach youth who have thoughts of suicide, both virtually and in-person. See the modules on this page for tailored training options based on your work setting or the populations you serve.​