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Oregon Health Authority

Expedited Assessment Services for Youth (EASY)

Helping Youth and Families Find the Right Path Forward

When youth or family are struggling to find peace at home, they may not know what steps to take. Expedited Assessment Services for Youth (EASY) may help provide essential answers. EASY provides quick and complete psychological and assessment services. This helps young people get the services and supports they need, when they need it.

EASY has provider hubs in Multnomah, Deschutes, and Lane counties and can now serve the whole state because of recent expansions in service range. 

Who is EASY For?

EASY is for young people who are at high risk for:

  • Temporary lodging,
  • Emergency room visits,
  • Involvement with juvenile justice, or
  • Getting removed from their home.

How Does EASY Work?

Anyone in the community can make a referral. Within 7 to 10 days, EASY's Interdisciplinary Assessment Team will meet the youth to complete the assessment. This can be in-person or augmented by telehealth.

For each assessment, the team:

  • Reviews all clinical documentation,
  • Determines the youth's testing needs,
  • Coordinates psychological testing, and
  • Consults the youth's clinical providers.

The team also refers youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) to their local Community Developmental Disabilities Program (CDDP) office. The CDDP office can see if the youth qualifies for other I/DD services and supports.

The team can also train community partners to see the signs of possible mental health disorder or I/DD. Then partners can refer youth with possible mental health or I/DD needs to EASY for assessment and support.

Ask for EASY:

Fill out the EASY Referral Form.

You will also need to email a Release of Information form completed by the youth's parent/guardian. A Release of Information will be provided during the prescreening that determines appropriateness for this unique service. 


If you have questions or would like to prescreen to see if EASY is right for a youth, contact John Linn.