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Oregon Health Authority

Meaningful language access: technical assistance

Coordinated care organizations (CCOs) have an incentive metric focused on providing quality interpreter services: Meaningful access to health care services for persons who prefer a language other than English and persons who are Deaf and hard of hearing ("meaningful language access"). This metric is based on the proportion of member visits with spoken and sign language interpreter needs provided with OHA qualified or certified health care interpreters.

2024 needs assessment

In January 2024, the Transformation Center and Equity and Inclusion Division held needs assessment calls with CCOs about the meaningful language access metric to help design future technical assistance.  
In summer 2024, staff interviewed Oregon clinics to better understand providers’ needs for technical assistance to improve language access.

2021 learning collaborative

The OHA Transformation Center, in partnership with the Equity and Inclusion Division, hosted a short-term learning collaborative for CCO staff focused on the meaningful language access metric. 

​Topic: Sharing coordinated care organization (CCO) health equity plans related to language assistance (focus area 7 on language access reporting mechanisms, focus area 3 on culturally and linguistically appropriate services, focus area 4 on CLAS as an organizational framework, and focus area 6 on organizational training and education)​​​

​​​Topic: Providing notice to CCO members about language assistance services; translation of notices and written materials; providing language assistance services to deaf and hard of hearing and other members with disabilities​

​​​Topic: Training for clinical and administrative staff about language assistance services​

Topic: Documenting CCO member language assistance needs and utilization of language assistance services; documenting use of certified/qualified health care interpreters; how to document utilization of multi-​lingual providers

