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Oregon Health Authority

Transformation and Quality Strategy Technical Assistance

Transformation and Quality Strategy Technical Assistance

Coordinated care organization (CCO) staff are invited to participate in technical assistance for developing their Transformation and Quality Strategy (TQS).
  • Background: The TQS aims to move health transformation by aligning and coordinating internal CCO health transformation and quality initiatives. The projects included in each CCO's TQS are a showcase of current CCO work that aims to make significant movement in health system transformation. The work highlighted in the TQS is not a comprehensive catalogue or full representation of the CCO’s body of work in any component area.
  • CCO submissions: See prior TQS submissions for each CCO.
  • Timeline: The 2025 TQS attestation (covering January-December 2025) is due May 15, 2025. 
  • Contact: If you have questions, please contact Anona Gund ( or 503-381-1104). 

2025 guidance

In 2025, CCOs will attest to meeting TQS requirements instead of submitting a full TQS. For details, see the CCO contract waiver memo (2/5/25). 
Related resources:


Audience: CCO transformation staff, quality staff and subject area leads depending on webinar topic.

If you want to be added to the calendar appointments for any of the upcoming webinars or office hours below, please email

This webinar focuses on the special health care needs components of TQS. OHA staff share opportunities to strengthen projects to improve member outcomes and walk through examples of health monitoring measures. 

OHA staff provide global feedback on CCOs' 2023 TQS submissions and walk through changes to requirements and guidance for 2024 submissions (due July 15).

​This webinar describes components of a SMARTIE goal; explains why SMARTIE goals are useful for shaping CCO deliverables such as Transformation and Quality Strategies (TQS), Community Health Improvement Plans (CHPs), and Supporting Health for All through Reinvestment (SHARE) Initiative spending plans; suggests steps for collaboratively designing SMARTIE goals; and shares one CCO's experience in designing and using SMARTIE goals to guide its CHP.

  • Slides​
  • Handout
  • Recording
  • Audience: Coordinated care organization (CCO) staff working on quality improvement and transformation deliverables like TQS, SHARE spending plans and CHPs. CCO community advisory council members, providers, community partners and Oregon Health Authority staff may also find this webinar useful for developing their goals, quality improvement strategies, or other deliverables.​


Office hours

CCO staff are invited to join by webinar or conference line to ask questions about developing and submitting their CCO’s TQS. CCO staff may join the office hours at any point during the scheduled time. The office hours will not be recorded, but the online FAQ document will be updated after each call, as needed.

Join the meeting here 

​​Join the meeting here 

Join the meeting here