The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation awarded a
State Innovation Model (SIM) grant to Oregon in September 2012 for up to $45 million through September 2016. Oregon was one of six states to receive the grant for testing innovative approaches to improving health and lowering costs across the health delivery system, including Medicaid, Medicare, and the private sector.
The grant supported the state's ongoing health system transformation and provided opportunities for Oregon to share what it learned with other states. Oregon's health reform to its Medicaid program started with the creation of coordinated care organizations (CCOs) in 2013. The SIM grant was an opportunity for Oregon to strengthen and support the coordinated care model and to begin to make its key elements, such as best practices to manage and coordinate care, available to others such as
OEBB, and Medicare beneficiaries.
The SIM grant focused on innovation in three areas:
Innovation and rapid learning, which provided:
- Resources and technical assistance to Oregon’s CCOs
- Facilitated learning collaboratives and rapid improvement cycles
- Promotion of health equity across sectors and payers including private payers, long-term care, community health, and education systems
Delivery models
- Evaluation of methods for integrating and coordinating between primary, specialty, behavioral and oral health
- Improvement of community health through promotion and prevention activities
- Supported CCOs collaborations with long-term care, community health and social services
Payment models, tested at two levels:
- Global budget for CCOs
- A “starter set” of promising alternative models for provider payment and models that focued on the value, rather than the volume, of services provided
Learn more about coordinated care
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