The Strategic Plan was developed over a multi-year process involving HITOC meetings, workgroups, staff support from the OHA Office of Health IT and Analytics Infrastructure, and extensive community engagement. Work on this Strategic Plan began in late 2019, paused in March 2020 due to COVID-19, and fully resumed in 2022.
HITOC Meetings: HITOC members discussed the Strategic Plan components at their meetings, which typically occur the first Thursday of even-numbered months. Meetings included presentations, full group discussions, breakout small group discussions, virtual whiteboard exercises, polling, and public comments. Outside of meetings, members prepared for discussions with email communication, reading materials, and member surveys. All HITOC meetings, workgroup meetings, and educational webinars were, and continue to be, open to the public. All recordings and materials can be found on HITOC's meeting website.
Workgroups: HITOC chartered the Health Information Exchange (HIE) Workgroup (completed August 2023) and the Community Information Exchange (CIE) Workgroup (completed November 2022) to explore specific topics in more depth. These groups recommended strategies to HITOC and OHA to accelerate, support, and improve HIE and CIE in Oregon. The recommendations inform the Strategic Plan.
OHA Support: OHA staff supported the Strategic Plan development by providing (1) background and landscape on health IT topics, (2) slides and documents describing health IT challenges and opportunities, and (3) updates on state and federal policy. Staff facilitated HITOC meetings and community engagement, and they synthesized HITOC's discussions in meeting materials.
Community Engagement: Extensive community engagement informed HITOC's discussions and strategic planning. Engagement was ongoing, with HITOC hosting listening sessions at different points throughout the Strategic Plan process and incorporating relevant engagement from past sessions as work developed. HITOC's process was informed by input from hundreds of individuals across 51 engagement opportunities. It drew from sources collected over five years, including reports, interviews, listening sessions, meetings with organizations and associations, presentations, and verbal and written public comments during state facilitated meetings. OHA staff reported the input to HITOC in the Community Engagement and Input Report 2018-2023. See Listening Sessions below for available recordings.
Dates |
Activities |
2019 - 2020 |
Significant community engagement |
2021 - 2022 |
- Resumed some community engagement
- HITOC drafted Vision and Goals |
2022 - 2023 |
- Convening CIE Workgroup and
HIE Workgroup
- Final CIE report to the legislature |
Fall 2023 |
Targeted community engagement and public input
Aug 3 and Oct 5 |
HITOC Meetings |
Fall 2023 |
Assessing community engagement |
Dec 7 2023 |
HITOC All-Day Retreat |
February 2024 |
HITOC revised Draft Oregon Strategic Plan for Health IT 2024-2028 |
Spring 2024 |
HITOC finalized Strategic Plan for OHPB |
May 7, 2024
| OHPB voted in support of the plan
For more detail on the timeline of Strategic Plan development, see the slides and recording from HITOC's August 2023 meeting.
Listening Sessions
Listening sessions were held in September 2023, and open to the public. They were designed to capture community feedback through open discussion with opportunity for questions and answers. HITOC and OHA hosted these events to hear from all people across Oregon on their experiences with health IT, and their thoughts on the developing health IT strategies.
o Community/consumer listening session: 9/14/23, 12:30-2:00 p.m.
This session was designed with health care consumers, patients, and community members in mind.
Community/consumer listening session transcript
Community/consumer listening session slides
o General listening session: 9/21/23, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
This session was designed with providers and clinic staff in mind.
General listening session recording
General listening session slides
In 2020, OHA staff hosted a series of public listening sessions to elicit input from people across the state regarding health IT strategies.
- Technology Partner Listening Session hosted by HCOP (2/11/2020)
- Oral Health Listening Session (2/25/2020)
- CCO Listening Session hosted by HITAG (3/4/2020)
- Consumer Listening Session (3/10/2020)
To see a summary of past engagement see: Existing Community Engagement and Input Report 2018-2022.