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Oregon Health Authority

Community Information Exchange (CIE) Workgroup

CIE Workgroup

Workgroup Purpose

The Community Information Exchange (CIE) Workgroup was tasked by the Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC) under House Bill 4150 (2022) with providing recommendations on strategies to accelerate, support, and improve statewide CIE in Oregon. The Workgroup's recommendations informed the House Bill 4150 report to the legislature, as well as HITOC and Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

The CIE Workgroup brought together individuals representing Oregon's diverse landscape of community, health care, and social services partners whose aligned work is essential to address these issues and achieve the goal of eliminating health inequities. The Workgroup met monthly from March through November 2022 and has concluded meeting. For more information on the Workgroup's purpose, see the CIE Workgroup Charter.

CIE Definition

A network of collaborative partners using a multidirectional technology platform to connect people to the services and supports they need.

  • Partners may include human and social service, healthcare, and other organizations.
  • Technology functions must include closed loop referrals, a shared resource directory, and informed consent.

CIE Workgroup Vision

All people living in Oregon and their communities have access to CIE that creates seamless trusted, person-centered connections and coordination to meet people's needs, support community capacity, and eliminate siloes to achieve health equity.

For more information on CIE please see the OHA CIE Website and the CIE Issue Brief.


House Bill (HB) 4150 (2022) directed HITOC to convene one or more groups to explore strategies to accelerate, support, and improve secure, statewide CIE and provide recommendations to the legislature in a draft report by September 15, 2022, and a final report by January 31, 2023. To fulfill these requirements HITOC chartered the CIE Workgroup and sought input from community-based organizations (CBOs) on CIE via interviews and a survey. The reports reflect the work of the CIE Workgroup, community perspectives via CBO input, and HITOC comment.

Final Report

Draft Report

The CIE Workgroup developed Recommendations and Considerations between April and November 2022 to inform the HB 4150 Reports to the legislature. 

    To supplement this information, in May through July 2022 health equity consultants from Collective Health Strategies conducted CBO interviews and a survey to further inform the recommendations.


    The Workgroup was comprised of representatives from Oregon's diverse landscape of community, health care, and social service partners. For a list of members see the membership roster (approved by HITOC December 2021).

    Meetings & Key Dates

    Monthly meetings began March 2022 and ran through November 2022.

    • All meetings were held virtually.
    • Meeting materials and recordings are posted below. 
    • Meetings were open to the public and included opportunities for public comment.

    Past Meetings


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