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Roadside Development

Roadside development encompasses the work needed to those areas outside of the roadway itself.

Orange poppies line the median of a highwayThe roadside includes all lands managed by the Oregon Department of Transportation and may extend to areas outside ODOT's right-of-way boundary. Such areas include:

  • Unpaved median strips;
  • Rest areas;
  • Roadside parks;
  • View points;
  • Heritage markers; and 
  • Pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

ODOT manages these areas by assessing, protecting and mitigating impacts of highway projects to both cultural and natural resources.

Roadside Development


​A Roadside Development Coordinator works with environmental, design, construction, and maintenance staff to develop projects that are safe, economical, environmentally-friendly, beautiful, and sustainable.

Coordinators provide technical expertise and advice for projects involving:

  • Re-vegetation;
  • Hardscape development; and
  • Visual resource analysis.

​While any project can have an impact on visual resources in the area, the rule of thumb is this - the greater the disturbance to the natural or built landscape, the greater the need for roadside development services.

Beyond this, there are a few projects that will generally require roadside development or landscape architecture services.

  • Projects using Transportation Enhancement or Scenic Byway Program funds.
  • Projects located on designated state or federal scenic highways or tour routes.
  • Projects that affect river segments or lakes designated as Oregon Scenic Waterways.
  • Projects that affect any waterway designated as Natural Wild and Scenic Rivers.
  • Projects that are adjacent to federal, state, or local parks and recreation or conservation lands.
  • Projects that will impact any historic locations.

Guidance Materials

Additional support for specific geo-hydro and environmental needs in the form of:

  • ​Standard drawings and details,
  • Drafting manuals,
  • CAD standards,
  • ODOT workspace, and
  • Example drawings and templates.

Contact the Geo-Environmental Section's Drafting Program for information.


Contact the Environmental Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS 1
Salem, Oregon 97302
Fax: 503-986-3249

Program Contacts 

Phone: 971-719-3796
Phone: 503-731-8283
Phone: 503-986-2703